Membership Spotlight

Membership Spotlight: An Interview with Denise Wise of the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura upon Her Retirement


In advance of CLPHA Board Member and Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura CEO Denise Wise’s upcoming, well-deserved retirement, CLPHA interviewed Ms. Wise about her career and her perspective on the public housing industry. 

An Interview with CLPHA Board President Jeffery K. Patterson


Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) CEO Jeffery K. Patterson was elected president of CLPHA’s board of directors at CLPHA’s December 2021 board meeting. He previously served as the board’s vice president.  

Recently, CLPHA sat down with Mr. Patterson to discuss his priorities for CLPHA and how he plans to lead our organization. 


Read the Interview


A Conversation with Stephen Norman, CLPHA Board President, on a “Wisely Chosen” Career


CLPHA Board President & King County Housing Authority (KCHA) Executive Director Stephen Norman has announced his plans to retire from the housing authority on December 31, 2021. Mr. Norman has led KCHA for 25 years and has served on CLPHA’s board for 18 years, many of those as CLPHA’s board president. His retirement follows a remarkable 45-year career in community development and affordable housing. 

This month, CLPHA sat down with Mr. Norman to reflect upon his career, KCHA’s work, and the future of the public housing industry.

Membership Spotlight: An Interview with the Seattle Housing Authority’s Andrew Lofton upon His Retirement


CLPHA Board Member and Seattle Housing Authority Executive Director Andrew Lofton will retire on May 7 after 17 years with SHA. In advance of well-deserved retirement, CLPHA interviewed Mr. Lofton about his career and his perspective on the public housing industry.

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