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David Greer
Director of Communications
(202) 550-1381 or dgreer@clpha.org.
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(Washington, D.C.) November 25, 2024 – The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement upon the nomination of Scott Turner to be Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development: “The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA), whose members serve over 2.2 million people, including over 480,000 children, across the country, congratulates Scott Turner on his nomination as Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Our nation is experiencing an unprecedented housing crisis, and PHAs offer critical affordable housing opportunities to the most vulnerable families in their communities. Safe, stable, and affordable housing is central to breaking the cycle of poverty and expanding economic, education, and health opportunities. We look forward to working with Mr. Turner on our shared goal of improving the lives of low-income Americans who, for a variety of reasons, have been left behind economically, and lifting up the communities where they live through safe and affordable housing.” |
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative
Media Contact: (202) 550-1381 |
Congratulations to Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman on New Role as Acting Secretary
(Washington, D.C.) March 12, 2024 — “On behalf of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, we congratulate HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge on a dedicated career in public service from serving as Mayor of Warrensville Heights, Ohio, to U.S. Congresswoman from Ohio’s 11th district, and culminating as the 18th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,” said Sunia Zaterman, executive director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities. “When Secretary Fudge took the reins of HUD in the middle of a global COVID-19 pandemic, she provided steadfast leadership that expanded rental assistance and served more than 1.2 people experiencing homelessness. She has been an ardent housing champion giving voice to millions of people in need. “Secretary Fudge worked with CLPHA throughout her tenure to provide greater flexibility to address housing needs and redress systemic racism that has been embedded in housing policy for decades. “We commend her on an exemplary career in public service and wish her well in the next chapter of her life. We look forward to working with Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman, former CLPHA Vice President, in her new role as Acting Secretary.” |
### Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
Policies Would Bring Housing Stability to Nearly 1 Million Low-Income Americans |
(Washington, D.C.) March 7, 2024 — The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) applauds President Joe Biden for his call to expand the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Low-income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) programs. As part of the proposed HCV program expansion, the President is calling for a voucher guarantee for low-income veterans and youth aging out of foster care. Notably, President Biden is the first U.S. President to call for a portion of federally assisted housing to be classified as a guarantee. “President Biden’s call for voucher and LIHTC expansion would immediately bring housing stability to nearly one million low-income Americans who are one lost paycheck or unforeseen health event away from homelessness,” said Sunia Zaterman, CLPHA executive director. “Moreover, the President’s extraordinary call to guarantee vouchers for low-income veterans and youth aging out of foster care is a transformative measure that would bring much-needed certainty to a portion of federal housing funding. This demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding housing stability for our nation's most vulnerable populations.” This year’s State of the Union address is considered by many to be the kickoff of President Biden’s 2024 election campaign. “It is clear after tonight that President Biden intends to make housing a top election priority,” said Zaterman. “We encourage President Biden to become the housing president by creating a comprehensive long-term plan for a sustainable future for public housing that would include the recapitalization of the public housing portfolio, permanent expansion of the Housing Choice Voucher program, and a cross-sector approach that includes housing, health, and education. We look forward to working with the President on such a plan.” |
### Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
(Washington, D.C.) November 25, 2024 – The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement upon the nomination of Scott Turner to be Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development: “The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA), whose members serve over 2.2 million people, including over 480,000 children, across the country, congratulates Scott Turner on his nomination as Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Our nation is experiencing an unprecedented housing crisis, and PHAs offer critical affordable housing opportunities to the most vulnerable families in their communities. Safe, stable, and affordable housing is central to breaking the cycle of poverty and expanding economic, education, and health opportunities. We look forward to working with Mr. Turner on our shared goal of improving the lives of low-income Americans who, for a variety of reasons, have been left behind economically, and lifting up the communities where they live through safe and affordable housing.” |
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative
Media Contact: (202) 550-1381 |
(Washington, D.C.) August 19, 2024 – Sunia Zaterman, executive director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, released the following statement upon the release of Vice President Kamala Harris' and Governor Tim Walz's housing plan at a rallty in North Carolina on Friday: "The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities applauds the Harris-Walz campaign for its historic call for more affordable housing measures in its economic plan released on Friday in North Carolina. By every measure, low-income Americans are experiencing crisis levels of housing instability and homelessness. CLPHA strongly supports the Harris Walz campaign’s call for an expansion of tax incentives for affordable rental housing, an innovation fund for low-income housing, and expansion of the child tax credit, which would contribute to decreasing housing instability and homelessness among American’s most vulnerable families. 'We are hopeful that the tax incentives for affordable rental housing are at a scale that would generate as much affordable housing production or more as the low-income housing tax credit provisions in the bipartisan tax bill. The child tax credit improves a low-income parent’s ability to afford housing, which increases housing stability and improves children’s health outcomes. 'CLPHA will continue to advocate for policies that prioritize the affordability and sustainability of public and affordable housing throughout this campaign which includes fully funding the public housing capital and operating funds, expanding the Housing Choice Voucher program, and prioritizing cross-sector approaches for housing, health and education." |
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities |
(Washington, D.C.) November 17, 2023 — Sunia Zaterman, executive director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, released the following statement upon the Biden-Harris administration’s announcement yesterday of the U.S. Playbook to Address Social Determinants of Health and the CHIP Health-Related Social Needs Framework:: “The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities applauds the Biden-Harris administration’s publication of the U.S. Playbook to Address Social Determinants of Health and the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Health-Related Social Needs Framework. President Biden and HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge have led the nation in raising awareness of the foundational role that housing plays in improving life outcomes for low-income Americans throughout the President’s term. “CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative has driven the conversation for a decade on how best to bridge the housing and health sectors to improve the life outcomes of residents living in federally assisted housing. CLPHA has long supported public policies cited in the Framework such as evidence-based interventions to support housing and nutrition needs for certain Medicaid enrollees. CLPHA has also advocated for innovative solutions like waivers for Medicaid through its 1115 demonstration that allow for housing-related assistance. “With current programs proving beneficial and innovative programs being developed we know we have the answers. Yet, for these programs to be successful they must be funded at a level that meets the need. Unfortunately, they are not funded at those levels currently. While announcements like these are important in raising the awareness of the foundational role of housing in improving health outcomes, we must continue to advocate for increased resources, including incentivizing PHA/Medicaid partnerships, so they can deliver the benefits they are designed to achieve.” |
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
From Vox:
In the last issue of this newsletter, I wrote about what went wrong with public housing in the United States — how it didn’t necessarily fail, but was routinely sabotaged because of bad policy choices that contributed to neglect and mismanagement. So this week, I want to look at what successful public housing can look like.
Oftentimes, when looking for models to emulate, many Americans look abroad for answers — Austria, Denmark, and Singapore, for example, are frequently cited as places to learn from. But one of the problems with turning to other countries is that their politics and governments are fundamentally different, and simply copying them isn’t always an option.
That’s why I’m particularly interested in looking at examples of public housing models that have worked quite well here in the United States. After all, if one American city or county can pull off an ambitious program, then what’s stopping others from doing the same?
Earlier this year, my colleague Rachel Cohen highlighted a place where local leaders are expanding public housing: Montgomery County, Maryland.
Montgomery County has long prioritized affordable housing. Developers, for example, are required to make at least 15 percent of units in new housing projects available for people who make less than two-thirds of the area’s median income.
But the county got creative with how it could provide public housing: It set aside a fund to finance and develop housing projects. And while the county partners with private developers, its investment makes it a majority owner of a given project. As the New York Times put it, the county, as an owner, becomes “a kind of benevolent investor that trades profits for lower rents.”
For background, the county’s Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) is not just a public housing authority, but a housing finance agency and public developer as well. “We have these three different components that ultimately work together to help us really advance a very aggressive development strategy that we have deployed over 50 years,” said Chelsea Andrews, executive director of HOC.
Read Vox's article "A public housing success story."
CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman was quoted in BisNow’s recent article “Biden's Budget Includes 'Once in a Generation' Investment in Vouchers, Public Housing. Now Landlords Need to Get on Board,” offering CLPHA’s perspective on the Biden administration’s American Jobs Plan that would allocate $30 billion the Housing Choice Voucher program and $40 billion to public housing.
“To propose this level of investment in one fell swoop, it’s extraordinary,” Zaterman told BisNow. “There’s now a strong consensus that more could have and should have been done in 2008 and 2009 for reinvestment,” she added. “This $40B [proposal] does not meet the overall need, but it is extraordinary in the level that it raises the funding from our current baseline.”
Read BisNow’s article. (requires free registration for access to the article)
NPR’s Pam Fessler quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman in a story about the challenges of utilizing the $5 billion in emergency housing vouchers included in the American Rescue Plan. Zaterman told Fessler that while balancing landlord, tenant and taxpayer interests has always been hard, the situation is more dire than ever in the pandemic with millions of Americans struggling with rent. “There is a need for all of our members, a crying need, for additional vouchers that are serving a wide range of populations,” Zaterman said.
Sunia Zaterman participated in a recent story on the unique opportunities presented by the new administration to address the nation’s dire affordable housing shortage as part of Fast Company’s Home Bound, a series that examines Americans’ fraught relationship with their homes.
“Our focus now is assembling the tools to give housing authorities more ability to acquire properties and to bring to neighborhoods other types of affordable housing,” Zaterman told Fast Company of CLPHA’s goals to capitalize on this inflection point in the public and affordable housing industry. She added that while the new HUD administration’s more flexible rules help housing authorities create more affordable housing in their communities, the main need facing PHAs and affordable housing providers is more money: “You may have heard this before—money is the key obstacle.”
This week, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman was quoted in The Washington Post's article "In George Floyd’s old neighborhood, Biden’s war on poverty faces a crucial test." The article examines the potential impacts of President Biden's American Rescue Plan on families in poverty through a focus on Houston's Cuney Homes public housing community, where George Floyd lived much of his life before his killing in police custody.
“If we don’t make a difference in individual lives, then we really haven’t done the job yet,” Zaterman said of the Biden plan's antipoverty efforts. “The folks in the community that George Floyd grew up in — that is our test of whether our models, our resources, our impact has hit our target.”
This morning, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss public and affordable housing issues and President Biden's proposed American Jobs Plan.
Ms. Zaterman answered questions from host Pedro Echevarria and members of the public from around the country, explaining what public housing authorities do, who they serve, and why increasing funding for public housing, vouchers, and other HUD programs is crucial to preserving affordable housing opportunities, strengthening the social safety net, and improving the life outcomes of low income Americans. She also discussed the positive impacts of the American Jobs Plan -- CLPHA estimates that 440,000 jobs will be created and $76 billion in economic impact generated during the time when the $40 billion in funds from the Plan are spent.
From the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles' press release:
The holidays are in full swing across public housing communities. The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) launched its 2024 Holiday Toy Giveaway series for children aged 0-12 and families at all 14 public housing sites. This annual initiative, made possible through the strong partnership between HACLA, partners, and residents, led to the distribution of over 6,000 toys.
“The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and giving back to our community,” said Lourdes Castro Ramírez, HACLA President and CEO. “Our annual toy giveaways are a testament to HACLA’s commitment to bringing joy to our youngest residents while fostering a sense of community. This wouldn’t be possible without the dedication and hard work of our resident leaders, our staff, and supportive partners who go above and beyond to ensure families across our public housing sites feel cared about during this special time of year.”
The toy giveaways brought holiday joy to nearly 6,000 families across HACLA’s public housing sites, with special highlights at Pueblo del Rio, Ramona Gardens, Jordan Downs, and Nickerson Gardens. At Pueblo del Rio, the Community Safety Partnership Bureau (CSP) created a winter wonderland by bringing snow for residents to enjoy. At Ramona Gardens, the event featured a treat station and a photo area with Santa Claus, while Boys and Girls Club volunteers helped manage the toy giveaway. Over at Jordan Downs, Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta volunteers spread holiday cheer as they escorted children to select their toys. These events showcased the strong community spirit across HACLA’s public housing sites.
“These events are about more than just gifts; they’re about creating lasting memories and a sense of belonging for our communities. We are proud to stand alongside HACLA and community partners to bring holiday magic to our neighborhoods,” stated Joel Lopez, CSP Assistant Commanding Officer.
JR Dzubak, CEO of West San Gabriel Valley and Eastside Boys and Girls Club, added, “On December 10th, the spirit of giving will shine brighter than ever as we join forces with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles and West San Gabriel Valley Boys & Girls Club to spread joy and hope. This toy giveaway is more than just a holiday tradition—it's a reminder of the power of community, where every gift given is a symbol of our collective care and commitment to uplifting our neighbors.”
“The “Toys for Watts” event is hosted by the Theta Alpha Sigma Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity inc. This event started in 2003. We have over 50 volunteers from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Our fraternity’s motto is culture for service and service for humanity and “Toys for Watts” is a great opportunity to share this effort. Our fraternity’s principles are brotherhood, scholarship, and service so we love serving the kids in Jordan Downs. Many of our fraternity members lived in Watts and Jordan, so this has special meaning in supporting communities of our own. We reach out to community members, friend, and family to support these kids," said Chris Manigault, Giveaway Project Coordinator and former Phi Beta Sigma chapter president.
As part of the series, HACLA also collaborated with Top Dawg Entertainment (TDE) for their annual Holiday Charity Concert and Toy Giveaway at Nickerson Gardens. The two-day event featured performances by TDE artists and special guests, with concert entry granted in exchange for donations of unwrapped toys, new clothes, or other items. The concert is followed by a community event the next day, offering activities such as a toy giveaway, carnival attractions, and a family holiday photo opportunity.
“Partnering with HACLA to create TDE Christmas has been nothing short of incredible. This initiative has brought both joy and profound impact, funneling tens of millions into Nickerson Gardens and Watts while inspiring hope and unity. It’s an honor to be part of something so transformative,” said Brandon “Big B” Tiffith, TDE Chief Marketing Officer.
These efforts were also made possible thanks to the generous support of our partners including Veritas, California Office of Traffic Safety, Legacy LA, Alma Services, Soledad Enrichment Action, South LA All In, Al Barro Foundation, Mama’s Del Sur Centro, Start Here, Urbano Strategies, Zapatos, and other local organizations.
From the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee's press release:
The Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) Board of Commissioners has appointed Kenneth Barbeau as Interim Secretary-Executive Director, effective January 2, 2025. This decision follows the retirement announcement of HACM’s current Secretary-Executive Director, Willie L. Hines, Jr., effective January 1, 2025.
Barbeau has been with HACM since 1999, serving most recently as HACM’s Chief Operating Officer of Program Services. In this role, Barbeau oversees a broad portfolio of public housing resident services, including programs focused on employment, education, healthcare, senior and disabled services, financial literacy, and more. He also provides oversight for HACM’s Section 8 program, public safety department, and public housing wait list and screening functions.
In addition to Barbeau’s appointment, HACM announces the resignation of Deputy Director Fernando Aniban, effective February 21, 2025. Aniban has been with HACM since 2009, initially serving as Chief Financial Officer before being named Assistant Secretary - Deputy Director in May 2022.
“As commissioners, we are steadfast in our commitment to providing safe, affordable housing and enhancing the quality of life for our residents across the City of Milwaukee,” said Charlotte Hayslett, Chair of the HACM Board of Commissioners. “That includes ensuring a smooth transition of leadership as we search for a new Secretary-Executive Director.”
Chairwoman Hayslett also acknowledged the Board’s commitment to transparency and continuous improvement. “We are actively addressing significant challenges within HACM and are committed to providing regular updates to the public and stakeholders. Our focus remains on improving efficiency, enhancing communication, and fostering a supportive environment for our dedicated staff.”
The Secretary-Executive Director is responsible for HACM’s operations and reports to the Board of Commissioners.
Commissioner Hayslett and Commissioner Karen Gotzler (who serves as vice-chair) joined the commission last month (November). HACM Resident Commissioner Jackie Burrell, and Alderwoman Sharlen Moore joined the commission this month (December). Commissioner Irma Yépez-Klassen has served as a commissioner since August 2022.
From the Housing Authority of the City of Austin's press release:
The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) has been awarded a $750,000 grant from St. David’s Foundation to support the “Housing + Health: ¡Adelante! Santa Rita Courts” initiative. Over the next 12 months, this funding will help expand access to healthy, affordable housing options and related health services for low-to-moderate income families.
Building on HACA’s long-standing commitment to delivering quality affordable housing, this initiative aligns with the agency’s plans to modernize Santa Rita Courts, an 84-yearold property that holds a unique place in Austin’s history. By pairing the redevelopment of this historically significant community with enhanced health programming, HACA aims to create lasting, positive outcomes for families, ensuring they have both a safe place to call home and the resources they need to thrive.
“HACA is always looking for opportunities to advance the transformative programs that improve health and self-sufficiency for the families we serve,” said HACA President and CEO Michael Gerber. “The support from St. David’s Foundation will help ensure that our families not only have a safe place to call home, but also the tools and resources they need to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. We’re grateful for this partnership and look forward to working together to uplift our neighbors and build a stronger, healthier community.”
From the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority's press release:
Last week, the Minneapolis City Council approved the city’s 2025 budget, setting a new funding highwater mark for MPHA programs and activities at nearly $11 million. Included in this funding is the continuation of the $5 million annual housing tax levy, a $1.3 million investment to support MPHA piloting a new U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding program, $2.2 million in continued ongoing funding to support the nationally recognized Stable Homes Stable Schools (SHSS) program, a one-time investment of $830,500 to pilot a SHSS expansion into early childhood and middle school homelessness prevention, and $1.8 million (with $1.4 million ongoing in subsequent years) for the creation of a new city-funded Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program to mirror the successful but sunsetting federal program.
“We are honored by the trust Mayor Frey and the City Council have placed in MPHA as a partner in the work to address our city’s homelessness and affordable housing challenges,” said Abdi Warsame, Executive Director/CEO of the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority. “This agency administers numerous successful housing assistance programs. Chief among these is Stable Homes Stable Schools and the Emergency Housing Voucher program. I am heartened that our elected leaders understand the importance of these successful programs and are increasing the city’s support. This agency plays a critical role in addressing our region’s affordable housing challenges, and I hope other local and state leaders take note of what is possible when investing in MPHA’s award-winning work.”
Earlier this summer, MPHA leaders presented an update on the agency’s 2024 levy budget and a look at the agency’s five-year levy capital plan. Highlights from the agency’s 2024 levy budget included dedicating a portion of funding towards the agency’s next major high-rise renovation (Spring Manor), two scattered site infill projects (one duplex and one triplex), and modernizing elevator systems in two high-rises. The 2025 levy budget includes dedicating additional funds to the Spring Manor redevelopment project and replacing high-rise windows from the 1980s with energy efficient, code compliant windows that include fall protection safety features across the portfolio.
The City of Minneapolis’ 2025 budget includes an amendment led by Councilmembers Jason Chavez and Aurin Chowdhury, along with Council President Elliot Payne, to fund two SHSS pilot expansion projects in two core areas of need and opportunity: early childhood homelessness prevention and expanding the program into Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) middle schools.
The early childhood prevention expansion will help reach families with infant to pre-school-aged children who are unstably housed to prevent any initial homelessness episodes. By preventing homelessness of 0 – 5-year-olds, SHSS can prevent the deficits that children impacted by homelessness bring into their primary school journeys. Services include financial assistance and case management.
And the middle school expansion is the natural next step for SHSS expansion. It will expand the reach of SHSS housing stability services to additional MPS schools, extending the stabilizing benefits SHSS delivers to additional children, families, and schools. Services include financial assistance and case management.
Full details for both pilot expansion programs can be found in this fact sheet, but MPHA estimates that an additional 180-225 families (representing 440-565 children) could be served by Stable Homes Stable Schools with these two expansions.
The other budget amendment, led by Councilmembers Robin Wonsley and Jamal Osman, creates a new city-funded EHV program that mirrors MPHA’s successful EHV program.
Created and funded through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), the EHV program connects federal rental assistance with local Continuums of Care (CoCs) and other partners to target resources to individuals and families who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, were recently homeless, or have a high risk of housing instability.
In developing its EHV program, MPHA partnered with the Hennepin County CoC to identify chronically homeless individuals, and to establish a process of engagement with those individuals referred for the vouchers. The agency works with Hennepin County’s Coordinated Entry System to administer the EHV program, equipping individuals and families coming out of homelessness with wrap-around case management services provided by the county and county-contracted providers.
But while MPHA has developed a successful EHV program that has delivered millions in emergency rental assistance and helped 246 individuals escape homelessness, the EHV program’s funding is set to expire in September 2030. Unlike other HUD voucher programs that receive annual congressional appropriations, EHVs only received one-time funding through ARPA.
Councilmember Wonsley and Osman’s amendment will help the agency permanently fund 100 EHVs, modeled off the agency’s successful federally funded program. Full details on the federal EHV program and the agency’s proposal for a city-funded EHV program can be found in this fact sheet.
For both the SHSS expansions and the city-funded EHV program, MPHA will spend the coming months staffing up and creating the necessary administrative and compliance software systems. In the case of the city-funded EHV program, MPHA cannot simply continue to use federal documents, administration, and compliance systems. Therefore, the agency needs to build the unique systems and processes that mirror the federal program – a process the agency anticipates will run through summer of 2025 before the first city-funded EHVs are deployed. The agency will provide periodic updates on these two programs and the rest of the activities and programs funded in the City of Minneapolis’ budget throughout 2025.
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority's press release:
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) announced today it has invested a combined total of $78.9 million to purchase The Residences at Eden Park in northeast Columbus and The Orchards in Lockbourne.
These acquisitions add 426 units to CMHA’s portfolio, with rents tailored to address the region’s critical need for workforce housing. To further enhance affordability, each property can also house families using the CMHA Housing Choice Voucher program.
Workforce housing is defined as housing affordable to households with income between 60% and 120% of the area median income (AMI), targeting middle-income essential workers such as police, firefighters, educators and health care, retail and restaurant/lodging workers. AMI data is calculated annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
All 264 apartments at Eden Park, located at 2335 N. Cassady Ave. near Easton, and the 162 units at The Orchards, situated at 310 Rathmell Road near Rickenbacker International Airport and adjacent to the new Google facility under construction, will be affordable to renters at 80% of the Columbus AMI. This translates to affordability for a one-person household earning $55,600 annually or a two-person household earning $63,520. Monthly rents for the one-, two- and three-bedroom units will range from $1,100 to $1,900.
“We can all agree that if you work in Central Ohio, you should be able to live in Central Ohio,” said CMHA President and CEO Charles Hillman.
“The tremendous economic boom in our region is producing both exciting opportunities and challenges, including a critical shortage of workers and affordable housing,” Hillman added. “By acquiring these two properties, we aim to alleviate the housing burden faced by working families while building a brighter, more prosperous future for residents across Franklin County.”
CMHA purchased Eden Park for $47.4 million and The Orchards for $31.5 million from Metro Development, one of Central Ohio’s leading multifamily developers. Both locations were constructed by Metro Development in 2023.
The acquisitions were financed through $79 million in bonds, contributing to CMHA’s total bond issuance of over $260 million for the development, preservation and acquisition of housing for all. This effort aligns with CMHA’s strategic goal to expand the region’s housing stock and combat Central Ohio’s ongoing housing shortage, bolstered by its A+ credit rating from S&P Global.
“Our prestigious A+ rating positions CMHA to leverage bond markets with reduced financing costs, enabling a sustainable growth model aligned with our strategic vision of delivering at least 500 new housing units annually for the foreseeable future,” said CMHA Chief Operating Officer Scott Scharlach.
Amenities at both properties include a 4,500-square-foot clubhouse, resident lounge, 24-hour access to emergency services, a professional cardio center, gaming area, tranquil pool, business center, coffee bar and outdoor activity areas, including a dog park. Apartments feature contemporary designs, oversize walk-in closets, 9-foot ceilings and private patios or balconies.
The acquisitions come amid a well-documented shortage of affordable housing in central Ohio.
According to the Affordable Housing Alliance of Central Ohio, only 29 affordable units exist for every 100 extremely low-income households. Approximately 54,000 Franklin County families spend over half their income on housing. Nationally, rents have risen 14% since 2021, with Columbus following similar trends. Currently, 40% of renters in the region are considered rent-burdened, spending more than 30% of their income on housing.
Today’s announcement marks a record-setting year for CMHA, with more than $275 million in annual real estate investments to promote affordable housing opportunities. CMHA’s housing portfolio, now valued at nearly $1 billion, consists of over 2,257 subsidized units, 1,700 workforce housing units and 1,700 market-rate units.