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David Greer
Director of Communications
(202) 550-1381 or dgreer@clpha.org.
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Grants will help PHA residents with immediate and locally defined needs exacerbated by COVID-19
Washington, D.C. (February 9, 2021) -- The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) is pleased to announce the ten recipients of its COVID Resident Support Grants. The recipients are CLPHA member public housing authorities (PHAs) from across the country that will utilize their grants to meet immediate and locally defined needs exacerbated by COVID-19 for projects such as providing residents with essential household supplies, helping households successfully lease affordable units with their housing vouchers, and supplying technology and devices that will help resident children attend virtual school or connect resident seniors with healthcare resources. The recipients were chosen via a competitive selection process, and the robust response to CLPHA’s call for applications demonstrates the need for additional funds to support COVID-19 relief services and supplies for low-income Americans.
“As housing providers for some of the nation’s most vulnerable children, families, and seniors, our members are uniquely positioned to serve the low-income residents in their communities that are hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects,” said CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman. “We are pleased to provide these ten grants that will support PHAs in their efforts to not only keep residents stably housed, but also to provide crucial supplies and resources that will help residents cope with the new normal created by the pandemic."
The grantees are:
- INLIVIAN (Charlotte, NC)
- Elm City Communities (New Haven, CT)
- Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro (Goldsboro, NC)
- Jersey City Housing Authority (Jersey City, NJ)
- Lucas Metropolitan Housing (Toledo, OH)
- Oklahoma City Housing Authority (Oklahoma City, OK)
- Home Forward (Portland, OR)
- Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura (Ventura, CA)
- Tacoma Housing Authority (Tacoma, WA)
- Wilmington Housing Authority (Wilmington, NC)
Learn more about CLPHA’s grantees and how they will use these funds to help meet the public health, education, employment, and basic urgent needs of their residents profoundly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic here.
These ten sub-grants are made possible through CLPHA’s grant from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s (CDP) COVID-19 Response Fund.
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities is a national non-profit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis and public education. CLPHA’s 70 members represent virtually every major metropolitan area in the country. Together they manage 40 percent of the nation’s public housing program; administer more than a quarter of the Housing Choice Voucher program; and operate a wide array of other housing programs. Learn more at clpha.org and on Twitter @CLPHA .
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative
The Housing Is Initiative, led by the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, helps build a future where sectors work together to improve life outcomes. Housing stability is a critical first step to improve life outcomes for low-income children, families, and seniors; CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is based on the premise that sectors can better meet needs when they work together. Housing Is establishes, broadens, and deepens efforts to align affordable housing, education, and health systems to produce positive, long-term results. Learn more at housingis.org and on Twitter @housing_is.
About The Center for Disaster Philanthropy
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s mission is to leverage the power of philanthropy to mobilize a full range of resources that strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur. CDP manages domestic and international Disaster Funds on behalf of corporations, foundations and individuals through targeted, holistic and localized grantmaking. For more information, visit: disasterphilanthropy.org, call (202) 464-2018 or tweet us @funds4disaster.
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
November 20, 2020
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities is a national non-profit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis and public education. CLPHA’s 70 members represent virtually every major metropolitan area in the country. Together they manage 40 percent of the nation’s public housing program; administer more than a quarter of the Housing Choice Voucher program; and operate a wide array of other housing programs. Learn more at clpha.org and on Twitter @CLPHA .
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative
The Housing Is Initiative, led by the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, helps build a future where sectors work together to improve life outcomes. Housing stability is a critical first step to improve life outcomes for low-income children, families, and seniors; CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is based on the premise that sectors can better meet needs when they work together. Housing Is establishes, broadens, and deepens efforts to align affordable housing, education, and health systems to produce positive, long-term results. Learn more at housingis.org and on Twitter @housing_is.
About The Center for Disaster Philanthropy
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy’s mission is to leverage the power of philanthropy to mobilize a full range of resources that strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur. CDP manages domestic and international Disaster Funds on behalf of corporations, foundations and individuals through targeted, holistic and localized grantmaking. For more information, visit: disasterphilanthropy.org, call (202) 464-2018 or tweet us @funds4disaster.
(Washington, D.C.) August 5, 2022 -- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement on the Federal Communications Commission’s adoption of the Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program and the Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program:
"The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) applauds the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) adoption of the Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program and the one-year Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program at its Open Commission Meeting today. CLPHA has worked closely with the FCC to help shape these programs through direct dialogue with members of Congress, the FCC, and submitted comments throughout the regulatory process. CLPHA has also been a long-time proponent for digital equity through working with partners, disseminating information via webinars, spotlighting promising practices at conferences, and conducting outreach on opportunities. Today is a strong step forward for serving low-income families living in assisted housing with improved access to high-quality, affordable broadband and devices.
"These initiatives will improve the Biden administration’s Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a $14 billion long-term initiative that offers up to $30 a month for the costs of internet service for eligible households and builds on the Emergency Broadband Benefit in order to provide more permanent assistance. Public housing authorities have long understood that digital access is critical to improve life outcomes for low-income families living in assisted housing and we are excited for additional support to get more assisted households connected.
"Public housing authorities offer the most effective avenue to connect the highest number of low-income families to broadband access and accomplish the goals of the Affordable Connectivity Program. At CLPHA’s 8th Annual Housing Is Summit in May, Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Geoffrey Starks noted this point in his keynote speech, 'When I look at the data where we can reach more vulnerable households…, I consistently come back to housing. I see a clear synergy between housing and connectivity; if we are helping a family secure housing, we should be able to help them secure an internet connection as well.'
"In May 2022 Commissioner Starks also visited Nickerson Gardens, a property of the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), a CLPHA member. With 1,000 units, Nickerson Gardens is the largest public housing community west of the Mississippi River. He reported that the ACP Pilot Program had connected 78 percent of the Nickerson Garden units to the internet.
"During today’s open meeting, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel also named CLPHA member the Jersey City Housing Authority (JCHA) and its executive director Vivian Brady-Phillips as an exemplary PHA working on digital inclusion. CLPHA highlighted both HACLA and JCHA during this year’s Housing Is Summit.
"The Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program will provide eligible governmental and non-governmental entities with funding to conduct outreach to eligible low-income households in order to increase awareness of and encourage participation in the Affordable Connectivity Program. The one-year Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program aims to increase awareness of the Affordable Connectivity Program among recipients of federal housing assistance and facilitate enrollment in the ACP by providing targeted assistance with the ACP application.
"CLPHA will work with its members to ensure they are taking advantage of these programs to help residents access not only to affordable, high-quality broadband and devices, but also digital literacy to utilize these resources."
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
(Washington, D.C.) March 9, 2022 -- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement about the HUD budget in fiscal year 2022 spending omnibus package:
“The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities applauds the $4 billion increase in funding for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development over last year in the fiscal year (FY) 2022 omnibus appropriations bill released last night. The increase amounts to $53.7 billion for HUD in this omnibus bill. "Subcommittee Chairman David Price and the Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee recognized the critical role that public housing and Housing Choice Vouchers play with several funding increases. First, an expansion of up to 25,000 new incremental vouchers for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness, including survivors of domestic violence and veterans as part of the $200 million increase in the Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program. Second, the Project-Based Rental Assistance budget increase of $475 million over the FY 2021 budget will continue to safely house 1.2 million very low- and low-income households.
“For public housing a $645.5 million increase over FY 2021, including $3.2 billion to meet the full annual capital accrual need in order to improve the quality and safety of public housing for more than 2 million residents. Finally, the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative received an increase of $150 million above FY 2021, which represents a 75 percent increase. While America’s housing crisis continues, these funding increases recognize that public and affordable housing programs are the most effective way to keep low-income families housed.”
(202) 550-1381
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
(Washington, D.C.) November 19, 2021 -- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement after the House passage of the Build Back Better Act today:
“The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities applauds the U.S. House of Representatives' passage of the $1.9 trillion Build Back Better Act. The $150 billion targeted to affordable housing is the single largest investment in public housing ever.
“Today represents a fundamental change in America’s approach to public and affordable housing. The Build Back Better Act is historic legislation that seeks to remedy two generations of chronic disinvestment that has left millions of public housing residents suffering and exacerbated health, safety, climate risks, and racial inequities. These long-term investments to public housing, along with significant expansion of rental and homeownership assistance, will increase housing stability, reduce poverty, provide substantial climate benefits, and spur economic activity that strengthens local communities.
“CLPHA is thankful the House continued to listen to housing advocates by re-inserting provisions that will strengthen the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit’s ability to better leverage the capital required to develop and redevelop aging public housing infrastructure.
“As the Act moves to the Senate, CLPHA will continue its work with Senators to ensure that the public and affordable housing funding levels remain intact in the Senate version.”
(202) 550-1381
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
In an interview with radio program Marketplace for its November 4 story "Apple pledges $2.5 billion to ease California’s housing crisis," CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman told reporter Jack Stewart that Apple's recent $2.5 billion Bay Area affordable housing pledge is an important starting point in addressing the nation's affordable housing shortage, but also noted that much more money is needed to help public housing authorities provide affordable housing for low-income individuals and families. Zaterman told Stewart that public housing needs an injection of $50 to 70 billion to address its massive capital needs backlog.
“The giving back here [by Apple] should be seen as necessary and required,” said Zaterman, “because these corporations are benefiting from the workforce, from the transportation systems, health systems, that are already in their communities.”
Read or listen to Marketplace's story.
In a new op-ed for The Hill, a prominent political newspaper widely read by policymakers, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman underscores the role of public housing authorities (PHAs) as essential partners in local efforts to house those who are particularly vulnerable to housing insecurity, including unsheltered families, veterans, people with disabilities, youth aging out of foster care, victims of domestic violence, and returning citizens. Programs like the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority’s Stable Homes Stable Schools and the Oakland Housing Authority’s Building Bridges are examples of how PHAs are leveraging their limited resources and local partnerships to create more opportunities for housing stability.
Yet, the President’s proposed FY2020 HUD budget would reduce the agency’s funding by more than 16 percent and slash the public housing operating and capital funds by $4.6 billion, which would seriously impede PHAs’ and their communities’ abilities to address the housing needs of low-income and housing-insecure people.
Though House and Senate appropriators propose modest funding increases in their FY20 spending bills, Zaterman argues that level funding is not enough to meet the growing and urgent demand for housing that is safe and affordable. “We can address the crisis of homelessness in America, and public housing authorities are prepared to help solve it with appropriate resources.”
Part two of Affordable Housing Finance’s special report “Turning Point for Public Housing,” explores tools such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) that public housing authorities can use to recapitalize and redevelop properties for their residents and communities. In the face of unsustainable federal funding levels, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman tells the magazine that public housing is at a crossroads, but with the right tools, “we could have the portfolio totally recapitalized in 10 years.”
Zaterman was also featured in part one of the series to discuss the impact of the federal disinvestment in public housing. “We have lost about 10,000 units a year from underfunding,” she said. But, “the number of public housing units lost may have slowed to about 8,000 a year, thanks to RAD, in the last couple of years.”
Read the series, which includes interviews with housing advocates, policy experts, and policymakers, online here.
On May 21, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson, testified before the House Financial Services Committee at a hearing entitled “Housing in America: Oversight of the U.S. Department of Housing and Development” where he received pointed questions from the committee Democrats on recent HUD proposals such as rent reform, the non-citizen rule, and HUD’s FY20 budget request which would slash funding for public housing.
After the hearing, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman was asked by USA TODAY reporter Nicholas Wu about the accuracy of Carson’s justification of the non-citizen rule – that, based on Section 214, the Secretary may not support housing for people who are not here legally. Zaterman told Wu that the law “explicitly authorizes both those with eligible and ineligible immigration status to occupy units in ‘covered housing programs.’”
“This is a punitive act,” she said. “Even HUD’s justification laid out the negative impacts of doing this on the households themselves which often include children that are eligible and parents and heads of household who are not.” Read the USA TODAY article.
NPR’s May 16 story, which also aired May 22 on NPR’s Morning Edition, “Trump Administration Wants To Cut Funding For Public Housing Repairs,” featuring District of Columbia Housing Authority Executive Director Tyrone Garrett and CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman, underscores the need to reinvest in public housing with funding for the capital needs backlog and more tools for recapitalization and redevelopment.
Of the Trump Administration’s proposal to slash funding for public housing, Garrett says, “Other housing authorities throughout the country are in the same boat. We're looking for opportunities to be able to improve the lives of our families, and it's becoming increasingly difficult with the funding cuts."
From CBS News Sacramento:
"Seven families are settling into their new homes in Oak Park after months of hard work thanks to a unique partnership with Habitat for Humanity.
"Every day we have somewhere to go home that feels good," said Phuong Ngo, a first-time homeowner.
Saturday's event celebrates a 10-home revitalization project in Oak Park aiming to help families get ahead by achieving their dream of homeownership.
"One of the things we heard today, were kids saying they never had a backyard. Well, now they have somewhere to go outside and play," said LaShelle Dozier with the Sacramento Housing Redevelopment Agency.
These families didn't just move in, they put in over 500 hours of work helping build the homes they now own.
In partnership with Habitat for Humanity, they're starting off with a 30-year zero-percent interest mortgage with the goal of stability and new opportunities."
Read CBS News Sacramento's article "Families settle into new Oak Park homes thanks to partnership with Habitat for Humanity."
From KBPS San Diego:
"The San Diego Housing Commission's Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a new 210-bed homeless shelter program for women and children on Feb. 14.
The city will pay for the beds, but the housing commission will contract with Catholic Charities, Diocese of San Diego to operate the shelter — Rachel's Promise Center for Women and Children.
"With this new shelter, we're expanding our capacity to get more people off the street and connected to care," Mayor Todd Gloria said. "This builds on the work we've already done over the past four years to more than double shelter options and help nearly 5,000 people move into housing."
According to city documents, at full capacity, Rachel's Promise will consist of 109 beds for single women and 101 beds for families with children.
"We're seeing more women and girls among the people our homelessness programs are serving," said SDHC President and CEO Lisa Jones. "This new shelter program will help to address that growing need in a setting that allows for more privacy for families, focuses on the unique needs of women and girls, and provides the services necessary to assist them with moving on to longer- term or permanent homes."
Read KPBS San Diego's article "Housing Commission approves expanded Rachel's Promise homeless shelter."
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority's press release:
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) Board of Commissioners announced today a major investment strategy that will bolster the agency’s ability to address Central Ohio’s “critical need” for more affordable housing.
The board has approved issuing up to $80 million in bonds that allow CMHA to invest:
- $13 million to acquire Demorest Townhomes, a 48-unit multifamily housing complex at 4157 River Bridge Circle in Grove City, as well as purchasing 11 acres of vacant land on the site to build an additional 104 units of future housing.
- $13 million to acquire and renovate a soon-to-be vacant two-story building at 3400 Morse Crossing in Columbus, which is earmarked as the new headquarters for CMHA’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) department. This move is pivotal as CMHA brings the HCV program in-house beginning March 3, 2025, reinforcing its commitment to enhance operational efficiency and service quality for Franklin County residents.
- $12 million to refinance and fund upgrades to a CMHA-owned 88-unit multifamily apartment community known as Canal’s Edge, 5303 Amalfi Drive in Canal Winchester, the southeastern Columbus suburb.
- $4 million to acquire a vacant, two-story office building at 195 N. Grant St. in downtown Columbus that CMHA plans to use for future redevelopment.
- An additional $10 million in bonds for the new construction of a 100-unit multifamily housing development in Reynoldsburg, known as Heights on Main. This decision now represents $35 million in CMHA bonds for the project, with the new $10 million in bonds supplementing the $25 million that was initially approved by the CMHA board in July 2024.
- The total amount for these combined investments is subject to change slightly as CMHA reviews pending cost estimates on necessary property improvements and building renovations.
In addition, the CMHA board has approved utilizing approximately $42.5 million in Project-Based Vouchers (PBVs) that will preserve affordable rental rates at three nonprofit-operated apartment communities in Columbus through 2040.
From Home Forward's press release:
Home Forward has acquired the Cesar Apartments, located near SE Hawthorne Blvd. and Cesar Chavez Blvd, to convert to Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for individuals exiting chronic homelessness. Purchasing the two-year-old building, which can be converted into supportive housing with minimal changes to the structure and layout, was part of an innovative strategy to capitalize on favorable market conditions to acquire market-rate buildings for affordable housing—a quick and cost-effective approach to bring more affordable housing on-line.
The Cesar offers 47 units ranging from studios to two-bedroom apartments. Built in 2022, the modern design, transit-accessible location, and community amenities make it an ideal site to support Multnomah County’s most vulnerable residents. With minimal structural changes required, the property will quickly transition into housing that fosters stability and dignity.
“Addressing our region’s affordable housing crisis requires a diverse set of tools and strategies. By leveraging new opportunities in the real estate market to supplement our existing efforts, and working across jurisdictions, we can rapidly expand the supply of permanent supportive housing at a fraction of the cost, maximizing public investment and delivering immediate solutions for those in need,” said Ivory Mathews, Chief Executive Officer of Home Forward. “This acquisition exemplifies the power of collaborative governance and bold, equitable action in addressing homelessness.”
The acquisition and conversion of the Cesar is possible thanks to $9 million from the Portland Housing Bureau (PHB), including $6.7 million in Metro Affordable Housing Bond funds designated for PSH pilot projects, and $2.3 million from Multnomah County, as well as Regional Long Term Rent Assistance and Supportive Housing Services funds from the Joint Office of Homeless Services to support wrap-around services for all Cesar residents.
“Last year, PHB began exploring whether we could bring much needed Permanent Supportive Housing online faster and at a lower cost than we usually achieve with new development,” said PHB Director Helmi A. Hisserich, “So we were very excited when Home Forward, Metro, and Multnomah County stepped up as partners on the Cesar Apartments acquisition. We look forward to announcing more acquisitions in the new year.”
The project aligns with the Portland Housing Bureau’s Local Implementation Strategy for Metro Bond funds, which aims to advance racial equity while producing 300 units of Permanent Supportive Housing, as well as 737 units with two or more bedrooms for families, and 605 units for households earning less than 30% of the area median income (or less than $28,320 a year for a family of two in 2024). The Cesar advances all three of these goals, which PHB is now exceeding across the board.
“This is a smart project to bring more affordable housing online and I’m proud of the creative approach used to increase our supply of supportive housing,” said Multnomah County Chair Jessica Vega Pederson. “With housing supply at crisis levels, this will create 47 residences specifically for people experiencing chronic homelessness with the support our neighbors need to stay housed long-term. This is aligned with our Homelessness Response System’s focus on tangible solutions to our region’s chronically low inventory of available housing.”
The building is nearly half vacant and remaining residents will have the option to continue living at the Cesar or receive relocation assistance from Home Forward. New residents will begin moving in this June through referrals from Coordinated Access. The Cesar will feature on-site services tailored to residents’ needs, including behavioral health resources, tenancy education, and eviction prevention support. These critical services, provided through partnerships with the Joint Office of Homeless Services and local service providers, will ensure long-term housing stability for residents.
“Changes in the housing market have made it possible to create affordable homes at a lower cost to taxpayers with the purchase of pre-existing buildings,” said Metro Councilor Duncan Hwang. “It’s great to see Portland using this opportunity to increase supportive housing for our region’s most vulnerable population.”
Home Forward will continue to work with the Joint Office of Homeless Services to select a service provider that aligns with its equity-driven mission. Together, they aim to create a supportive housing model that uplifts individuals while addressing systemic inequities in access to stable housing.
“Ending unsheltered homelessness is going to take innovative ideas and bold leadership. Home Forward’s acquisition of the Cesar Apartments and PHB’s work to bring more Permanent Supportive Housing to Portland is just that,” said Donnie Oliveira, Deputy City Administrator for Community and Economic Development. “The City will continue this work to address our housing crisis and bring critical resources to our most vulnerable populations, and we are proud of our partnerships with Home Forward, Multnomah County, Metro, and others to get it done.”
The Houston Housing Authority has named Jamie Bryant its new President & CEO.
Bryant brings nearly 25 years of experience in real estate development, organizational management, public-private partnerships and nonprofit governance to HHA. His career highlights include leading transformative projects throughout Houston that balance innovative development with community impact.
As CEO, Bryant guides HHA in advancing its mission to provide quality, affordable housing options and promote education and economic self-sufficiency.
Before joining HHA, Bryant served as the co-CEO of Parkway. Prior to Parkway, he was president and chief operating officer at Midway. During his tenure, he worked on transformative mixed-use projects such as the redevelopment of the Town & Country Mall site into CityCentre. This and other projects contributed to billions of dollars invested into Houston in mixed-use developments, leveraging partnerships with governmental and civic organizations to benefit all stakeholders.
Bryant has served on the boards of directors for nonprofit organizations at the forefront of affordable housing in Greater Houston, including Avenue and the Fifth Ward Redevelopment Authority. He has also served on advisory boards for the University of Houston, Cadence Bank and the management committee for Urban Land Institute Houston. His board service demonstrates an ongoing commitment to advancing affordable housing, infrastructure improvements and community development initiatives that benefit the region.
Outside his role as CEO, Bryant is an educator. He has shared his expertise by teaching graduate real estate and finance courses at the University of Houston’s Bauer School of Business and speaking on topics such as leadership and organizational culture. Bryant and his family also dedicate personal time to non-profit, educational and faith-based organizations they support in their community.
Bryant earned a Bachelor of Science in Management, Finance from Tulane University and a Master of Economics and Real Estate from Texas A&M University.
CLPHA welcomes Jamie Bryant to our membership!