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David Greer
Director of Communications
(202) 550-1381 or dgreer@clpha.org.
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New Funds Will Develop and Sustain Public Housing Authority Initiatives to Improve Postsecondary Achievement for Low-Income Households
WASHINGTON (November 25, 2019) – The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, a housing advocacy organization and leader in efforts to improve life outcomes for low-income individuals and families, announced today that it has been awarded $300,000 from The Kresge Foundation to deepen connections between public housing authorities and their postsecondary education partners.
The three-year grant enables CLPHA to build on work that began last year, in partnership with The Kresge Foundation, to convene cross-sector housing and education partners who are collaborating to improve postsecondary achievement for students served by public housing authorities, including residents and housing insecure college students.
“Last year we showcased how these two sectors are working together to improve educational outcomes for low-income households. With generous funding from The Kresge Foundation, we will help more cross-sector partners develop and sustain their work,” said CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman. “As a national organization representing 70 of the largest public housing authorities in the country, CLPHA is well-positioned to identify promising innovations and facilitate peer-learning among those doing the work with the goal to scale successful initiatives that can be replicated nationally. We are very grateful to The Kresge Foundation for its multi-year support of our work.”
With the funds, CLPHA, through its Housing Is Initiative, will establish a leadership institute for a cohort of public housing authority staff and their partners who demonstrate the experience and capacity for postsecondary collaboration. In addition to virtual meetings aimed at institutionalizing their cross-sector work, members of the cohort will travel for in-person site visits to learn about the different projects in the field.
“By supporting stronger partnerships between housing authorities and postsecondary stakeholders, CLPHA’s leadership institute will help increase college access and success for both public housing residents who have postsecondary aspirations but need support to realize their dreams, and current college students, whose housing insecurity threatens to derail their educational progress," said Bethany Miller, program officer with the Kresge Education Program.
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities is a national non-profit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis and public education. CLPHA’s 70 members represent virtually every major metropolitan area in the country. Together they manage 40 percent of the nation’s public housing program; administer more than a quarter of the Housing Choice Voucher program; and operate a wide array of other housing programs. Learn more at clpha.org and on Twitter @CLPHA.
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative
The Housing Is Initiative, led by the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, helps build a future where sectors work together to improve life outcomes. Housing stability is a critical first step to improve life outcomes for low-income children, families, and seniors; CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative is based on the premise that sectors can better meet needs when they work together. Housing Is establishes, broadens, and deepens efforts to align affordable housing, education, and health systems to produce positive, long-term results. Learn more at housingis.org and on Twitter @housing_is.
About The Kresge Foundation
The Kresge Foundation was founded in 1924 to promote human progress. Today, Kresge fulfills that mission by building and strengthening pathways to opportunity for low-income people in America’s cities, seeking to dismantle structural and systemic barriers to equality and justice. Using a full array of grant, loan, and other investment tools, Kresge invests more than $160 million annually to foster economic and social change. For more information visit kresge.org.
CLPHA Submits Public Comments Opposing HUD’s Dangerous Non-Citizen Proposal
HUD’s cruel proposal would force mixed-status families to decide between a roof for some, or homelessness for all.
WASHINGTON (July 9, 2019) – The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) today submitted public comments strongly opposing a proposal from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that seeks to eliminate mixed-status immigrant families from HUD-assisted housing, including 55,000 children who are either U.S. citizens or otherwise eligible for HUD assistance.
HUD’s proposal, published in the Federal Register on May 10 for a 60-day comment period, would reinterpret Section 214 of the Housing and Community Development Act to disallow anyone who cannot verify their immigration status from living in public housing or living in a market-rate apartment with a federal rental subsidy, even if their child or other family members are eligible for assistance. Under current law, rental assistance to these households is prorated and those ineligible for a subsidy pay their portion of the rent unassisted, often at market rates.
“HUD’s cruel proposal would force mixed-status families to decide between a roof for some, or homelessness for all,” said CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman. “This reversal of long-standing policy is antithetical to the mission of public housing, which is to provide safe, affordable housing to very low-income families.”
“We know that stable housing is a platform for improving life outcomes and a foundation for healthy communities. Yet, this proposal instills fear and distrust, and would divert scarce resources, exacerbate the already crisis levels of homelessness, and, in the end, would do nothing to make our communities safer or better off,” said Zaterman.
“HUD’s proposal is contrary to our mission. Our members feel strongly that this re-interpreted regulation is bad public policy and our comments on the proposed rule reflect this,” said Zaterman.
Read CLPHA’s public comments and previous statements on HUD’s non-citizen rule on the CLPHA website, clpha.org.
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities is a national non-profit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis and public education. CLPHA’s 70 members represent virtually every major metropolitan area in the country. Together they manage 40 percent of the nation’s public housing program; administer more than a quarter of the Housing Choice Voucher program; and operate a wide array of other housing programs. Learn more at clpha.org and on Twitter @CLPHA and follow @housing_is for news on CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative to better intersect the housing field and other areas of critical importance such as health and education.
For Immediate Release: July 2, 2019
CLPHA, Housing Experts Discuss Potential Dangers of HUD’s Proposed Housing Assistance Family Rule
A recording of the call is available HERE.
Washington, DC - Earlier today, immigration and housing experts gathered to address concerns regarding a recently proposed rule by the Trump administration that cruelly targets immigrant families to prevent them from receiving federal housing assistance. Experts discussed how the rule, which would affect about 25,000 households, would cruelly impact families of mixed-status.
The rule, the experts noted, would force families apart as they struggled to keep their current housing threatening many with homelessness, including the 55,000 children who are either U.S. citizens or otherwise eligible for housing benefits and who would be separated from their families
Below are quotes from today’s speakers.
Doug Guthrie, President and CEO, Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles, said, “If this proposed rule change were to go through it would be devastating for Los Angeles families with mixed immigration status. It would impact as many as 11,600 individuals in assisted housing the majority of whom are young children who are American citizens and it would cost the housing authority millions of dollars. This would likely result in thousands of people becoming homeless at a time when homelessness is already a crisis in Los Angeles.”
Sunia Zaterman, Executive Director, Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, noted, “HUD’s proposal would force mixed status families to decide between a roof for some, or homelessness for all. This is antithetical to the mission of public housing, which is to provide safe, affordable housing to very low-income families. Instead, this proposal would exacerbate crisis levels of homelessness, divert scarce resources from already underfunded public housing authorities, and instill fear and distrust while doing nothing to make our communities safer or better off.”
Diane Yentel, President and CEO, National Low Income Housing Coalition, added, “The cruelty of Secretary Carson’s proposal is breathtaking, and the harm it would inflict on children, families and communities is severe,” said National Low Income Housing Coalition President and CEO Diane Yentel. “Tens of thousands of deeply poor kids, mostly US citizens, could be evicted and made homeless by this proposal, and – by HUD’s own admission – there would be zero benefit to families on waiting lists. This proposal is another in a long line of attempts by the administration to instill fear in immigrants throughout the country. We will not stand for it.”
Arianna Cook-Thajudeen, Bank of America Legal Fellow, National Housing Law Project, said, “The National Housing Law Project opposes this proposed rule because it would have a detrimental impact on the housing stability of millions of families. The federal housing programs in particular serve as a lifeline for many families who are one step away from homelessness. What the Administration is doing is through this proposal is ruthless and reckless. We urge everyone to submit comments to HUD to oppose this rule by July 9th.”
Tory Gunsolley, President and CEO, Houston Housing Authority, remarked, “The current system works. Undocumented occupants are not receiving federal subsidies. The proposed regulations, on the other hand, would cause a needless increase in homelessness and cost the federal government more money. The proposed regulation would force HHA to be an extension of immigration enforcement, a role that does align with our mission to provide safe, affordable housing. It simply doesn't make sense to implement.”
The Immigration Hub is a national organization dedicated to advancing fair and just immigration policies through strategic leadership, innovative communications strategies, legislative advocacy and collaborative partnerships.
The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities is a national non-profit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis, and public education. CLPHA’s 70 members represent virtually every major metropolitan area in the country. Together they manage 40 percent of the nation’s public housing program; administer more than a quarter of the Housing Choice Voucher program; and operate a wide array of other housing programs. Learn more at clpha.org and on Twitter @CLPHA and follow @housing_is for news on CLPHA’s work to better intersect the housing field and other areas of critical importance such as health and education.
(Washington, D.C.) October 28, 2021 -- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement applauding President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better announcement this morning: “The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities applauds President Biden’s announcement of a $1.85 trillion reconciliation framework with $150 billion targeted to affordable housing, the single largest investment in public housing ever. “For decades, millions of public housing residents have suffered from chronic disinvestment in their neighborhoods, exacerbating health, safety, climate risks, and racial inequities. The Build Back Better Act is historic and transformational in its comprehensive long-term approach by making public housing safe and sustainable for generations to come and significantly expanding rental and homeownership assistance. Stable, affordable housing is foundational to the health and economic well-being of all Americans and to our nation as a whole. This unprecedented and long overdue investment in the preservation and expansion of affordable housing, coupled with the Build Back Better Act’s other investments such as universal prekindergarten, the child tax credit, and climate change remediation, will have an historic impact on reducing poverty and improving the climate. “The Biden administration is delivering on a promise that has been decades in the making. CLPHA strongly supports the Building Back Better Act as a history-making investment in public housing and expanding housing opportunities.”
(202) 550-1381
For Immediate Release
October 28, 2021 |
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
(Washington, D.C.) October 1, 2021 -- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement urging Congress not to cut proposed funding for public housing and rental assistance in the Build Back Better reconciliation bill:
“The transformational Build Back Better Act, proposed by President Biden and currently moving through Congress, will significantly expand the nation’s social safety net by providing safe, quality, and affordable housing to millions of low-income and marginalized families. The $90 billion in expanded rental assistance, $80 billion to preserve public housing, and $37 billion investment in the national Housing Trust Fund that passed the House Financial Services Committee in mid-September represents a significant step forward in federal funding for public and affordable housing. These funding levels are appropriate and justified as they finally make up for generations of chronic neglect and underfunding. For this reason, as negotiations about the size of the reconciliation bill move forward, CLPHA urges Congress to retain the funding levels for expanding rental assistance, preserving public housing, and investing in the nation’s Housing Trust Fund.
“Public and affordable housing has suffered under persistent disinvestment for decades. This has left public housing authorities unable to complete capital improvements, which has helped contribute to the loss of 400,000 affordable homes since 1990. Currently only 1 out of every 4 families who are eligible to receive a Housing Choice Voucher are able to access the program because of a lack of funding. This inadequacy of federal resources not only perpetuates the cycle of poverty, but also costs the American economy about $2 trillion every year in lower wages and productivity because of a shortage of affordable housing in major metropolitan areas.
“CLPHA thanks Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters, and Senate Housing, Banking, and Urban Chair Sherrod Brown for championing housing throughout their careers and during the negotiations over the Build Back Better reconciliation process. Now Congress must commit to fully funding public and affordable housing at the levels in the House Financial Services Committee bill.”
(202) 550-1381
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
(Washington, D.C.) September 14, 2021 -- Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) Executive Director Sunia Zaterman released the following statement supporting President Biden’s nomination of Arthur Jemison to be Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): “The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) congratulates Arthur Jemison on his nomination to be Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing at the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Jemison brings deep experience to the assistant secretary position in community development and public housing, including experience with the Boston Housing Authority, a CLPHA member.
We look forward to working with Mr. Jemison to ensure that the vision of President Biden and Secretary Fudge for improving public housing through recapitalizing the public housing portfolio, expanding the Housing Choice Voucher program, addressing systemic racism, and empowering cross-sector partnerships to improve the outcomes for low-income families becomes a reality. CLPHA will strongly support Mr. Jemison throughout the confirmation process.”
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA; dgreer@clpha.org, (202) 550-1381 |
About the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
About CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative |
On May 21, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson, testified before the House Financial Services Committee at a hearing entitled “Housing in America: Oversight of the U.S. Department of Housing and Development” where he received pointed questions from the committee Democrats on recent HUD proposals such as rent reform, the non-citizen rule, and HUD’s FY20 budget request which would slash funding for public housing.
In her opening remarks, Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) expressed her disappointment in the Secretary’s leadership at HUD, referring to his rent reform proposal as an “outrageous plan” that would “triple rent for the lowest income households and put 1.7 million Americans at risk of eviction and homelessness at a time when we are in the midst of a national homelessness and housing affordability crisis.”
Waters also admonished the Secretary for the Department’s budget proposal that would cut its budget by 18 percent and eliminate new funding for the capital fund and housing trust fund, halt the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule implementation, and delay disaster recovery funding for Puerto Rico. Referring to the proposed non-citizen rule as “cruel” and one that, “puts mixed immigration status families at risk of being evicted, separated, and left homeless,” Waters concluded that these actions are inconsistent with the Department’s mission.
Continuing the focus on recent HUD proposals, several Democrats expressed their outrage to Carson over the rent reform and non-citizen proposals. Reps. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Juan Vargas (D-CA), Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), were among those who challenged the Department’s assertion that removing mixed-status families from HUD-assisted housing would reduce waiting lists and help address the lack of affordable housing.
Carson defended the proposed rule by stating that the current interpretation of the statute unfairly allows undocumented immigrants to live in federally assisted housing at the expense of U.S. citizens. “It’s not that we’re cruel or mean-hearted, it’s that we’re logical,” he said. “This is common sense. You take care of your own first.”
Velazquez also reproved Carson for acknowledging the affordable housing crisis while at the same time eliminating the capital fund, referring to HUD’s budget proposal as “shameful and immoral.”
In contrast to the frustrated tone of their colleagues, Republican committee members generally expressed support for Carson’s proposals and asked about issues such as impediments to affordable housing construction, opportunity zones, recent changes to FHA loan program rules, and disaster recovery.
When discussing options for increasing affordable housing production, Secretary Carson touted LIHTC, RAD, and the potential for combining those programs with opportunity zone tax incentives to engage in unprecedented opportunities to build affordable housing and create economic opportunities. Calling RAD one of the most spectacular HUD programs, he said that lifting the RAD cap would be tremendously helpful.
Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Rep. Al Green (D-TX) both raised concerns with the cumbersome CDBG-DR disbursement process and asked the Secretary what could be done to provide, or codify, a framework that would speed delivery of aid to areas impacted by natural disasters. In his response, the Secretary expressed concerns with the duplicative requirements across HUD and FEMA and said that there are ways to streamline the process that can, and should, be codified to ensure grant dollars can be disbursed more expediently.
Several committee members focused their questions on Housing Choice Vouchers and landlords’ unwillingness to consider applicants who use them. Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC) asked the Secretary whether a federal law prohibiting source of income discrimination is needed to increase lease-up rates and ensure that families can put their voucher to use. Carson responded that the Department is looking at impediments to people accepting vouchers, and if after going through that evaluation process the problem continues, then a federal source of income discrimination law may be needed.
When asked about his legacy at HUD, Secretary Carson said that he hoped the Department would be known for putting people on a positive trajectory. And, if given a magic wand to implement any policy possible, Carson said he would “make this country stop hating each other. We’d get a whole lot done.”
In Affordable Housing Finance's (AHF) article discussing Rep. Maxine Waters' (D-CA) draft legislation of her Housing is Infrastructure bill, CLPHA's Sunia Zaterman told reporter Donna Kimura that Waters' bill, which would allocate $70 billion for the public housing capital fund, is attempting to get the public housing industry "on an even keel."
Zaterman told Kimura, “We do have challenges moving forward in the appropriations process on the annual funding levels for public housing operating and capital funds, but what Ms. Waters is saying in this bill is that we can no longer stand by idly and watch this public investment start to crumble when we need it the most.”
Zaterman added that Congress must also consider expanding additional tools that PHAs can employ in their public housing development and renovation efforts, such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs).
AHF also quoted Zaterman's April 30 press statement on Waters' draft legislation and the House Committee on Financial Services April 30 hearing “Housing in America: Assessing the Infrastructure Needs of America’s Housing Stock":
“Public housing is as a much a part of the national infrastructure as Route 66, the Lincoln Tunnel, and the Hoover Dam,” said Sunia Zaterman, executive director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities. “Public housing helps communities and families thrive by providing more than 1 million low- and very low-income families, children, elderly, and persons with disabilities with a stable place to live, connecting low-income workers to economic opportunities, and spurring regional job creation and economic growth.”
“But, years of chronic underfunding have led to the deterioration of the public housing stock, and, since 1990, at least 300,000 units have been lost because of the lack of adequate resources to maintain them. The federal disinvestment in public housing has contributed to an untenable shortage of stable housing for low-income households,” Zaterman added.
In Affordable Housing Finance's article "Turning Point for Public Housing," CLPHA' Executive Director Sunia Zaterman says of the massive capital needs backlog facing public housing authorities that “[t]he handwriting has been on the wall. The funding levels were not sustainable."
Zaterman adds, "We have lost about 10,000 units a year from underfunding," but that "[t]he number of public housing units lost may have slowed to about 8,000 a year, thanks to RAD, in the last couple of years.”
With RAD, says Zaterman, “[w]e have achieved proof of concept,... We could have the portfolio totally recapitalized in 10 years.”
Read Affordable Housing Finance's article here.
Vancouver, WA newspaper The Columbian quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman about the disastrous effect President Trump's budget proposal would have on pubic and affordable housing in their article "Trump’s budget would cut social safety nets:"
"The administration wants us to think beyond investing in bricks and mortar, and instead think about investing in people. This budget does neither of those things. The disinvestment in housing and supportive services is a disinvestment in our nation’s most vulnerable populations, including the 2.2 million low- and very low-income families, children, elderly and persons with disabilities who are served by public housing. Congress has previously rejected draconian budgets that shred our safety net, and we call on them to do so again."
Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA) Executive Director Roy Johnson, who contributed comment for the story, explained how Trump's proposed budget would negatively impact the individuals and families served by VHA. Johnson told the paper that losing public housing funding would result in 114 planned units losing subsidy, including Caples Terrace, an under-construction project in Vancouver for homeless youth and youth aging out of foster care slated to open in July, and two other public housing projects the housing authority hopes to start at the end of 2019.
Read Zaterman's full statement on Trump's proposed 2020 budget
Scotsman Guide, a resource for mortgage originators, quoted CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman about how President Donald Trump's proposed FY 2020 budget will affect affordable housing in their article "2020 budget: How does it affect the mortgage industry?":
“The administration wants us to think beyond investing in bricks and mortar, and instead think about investing in people. This budget does neither of those things,” said Sunia Zaterman..."The disinvestment in housing and supportive services is a disinvestment in our nation’s most vulnerable populations, including the 2.2 million low- and very low-income families, children, elderly and persons with disabilities who are served by public housing."
Read Zaterman's full statement on Trump's proposed 2020 budget
From the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society:
The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) owns and operates affordable housing locations for qualifying low-income families and individuals in the Cleveland, Ohio, metro area. CMHA was the first chartered public housing authority in the United States, and it has a mission “to create safe, quality, affordable housing opportunities and improve the quality of life for the communities [we] serve.” The organization houses more than 55,000 low-income residents living in Cuyahoga County. One part of fulfilling that mission happens through the CMHA digital inclusion programs, which provides digital navigation services to residents in several key areas: affordable internet connection options, computing devices, tech support, and digital literacy classes. CMHA is a ConnectHomeUSA (CHUSA) community, receiving funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support digital inclusion programs and services.
The information technology (IT) division at CMHA runs its digital inclusion programs and services, which start with ensuring that residents in every location have options for free or affordable internet access. CMHA makes bulk service agreements with ISPs like Spectrum and assists residents interested in subscribing. By making bulk agreements with ISPs, CMHA caps the monthly cost for any service at $20 and requires ISPs to provide a minimum download speed of 200 Mbps and a minimum upload speed of 20 Mbps. CMHA recognizes that internet service and the ability to use it to complete regular life tasks are not luxuries but necessities. For example, each year, residents are required to recertify their income to maintain their eligibility for affordable housing—a process that will soon be 100 percent online, so CMHA digital navigators assist residents who need help recertifying.
Partnerships with other organizations in the community are paramount to the CMHA Digital Inclusion Program’s success. For example, the Olivet Housing and Community Development Corporation leads many digital literacy courses at CMHA locations. By partnering with community organizations like Olivet, CMHA is able to simultaneously support more residents and support partners with overlapping missions to close the digital divide. Most courses take place over an eight-week period, and residents who successfully complete a course receive a device. Additional partner organizations provide training to digital navigators and staff, and others are internet service providers serving residents with low-cost home internet plans. The CMHA Digital Inclusion Program is also periodically able to distribute refurbished desktop and laptop computers that would otherwise be recycled to residents.
We are pleased to announce that the Newark Housing Authority has become a member of CLPHA!
The Newark Housing Authority provides rental assistance to over 15,000 households in Newark, NJ. Leonard Spicer serves as the agency's Executive Director. Learn more at newarkha.org.
Please join us in welcoming NHA to CLPHA – we look forward to working together to improve life outcomes for families served by PHAs!
From the Indianapolis Housing Agency's press release:
Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the City of Indianapolis announced the appointment of Yvonda A. Bean (pronounced E-vonda) as Indianapolis Housing Agency’s new Chief Executive Officer, effective Monday, February 17, 2025.
"In HUD’s role overseeing the Indianapolis Housing Agency, we are encouraged by the appointment of Yvonda A. Bean as its new CEO,” said Felicia Gaither, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations, Office of Public and Indian Housing at HUD. “Ms. Bean’s proven ability to lead agencies through challenges and achieve operational excellence will be vital as we work to recover this agency. We are confident her leadership will strengthen the agency’s mission to provide safe, quality, and affordable housing for Indianapolis residents.”
Ms. Bean brings a wealth of experience and proven leadership to IHA. She joins from Columbia, SC, where she currently serves as CEO of Columbia Housing and Cayce Housing, as well as president of nonprofit affiliates SC Affordable Housing Initiatives (SCAHI) and Columbia Housing & Development (CHAD).
“I am pleased that Yvonda A. Bean will be serving as Indianapolis Housing Agency’s CEO,” said Mayor Joe Hogsett. “I look forward to seeing the ways in which her expertise from serving more than two decades in public housing, including the recovery of two troubled housing agencies, will now be utilized to support the residents of IHA.”
With 25 years of progressive experience in executive leadership within the affordable housing industry, Ms. Bean has built a distinguished career marked by a resident-focused, HUD-compliant approach and a strong record of operational excellence.
During her tenure at Columbia Housing, Ms. Bean spearheaded transformational change, including:
- Realizing over $100 million in new construction development projects.
- Earning a high performer designation for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
- Completing the agency’s first Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) conversion.
- Establishing an employee apprenticeship program to foster career advancement.
- Partnering with a local community college to provide public housing residents with free tuition and scholarship opportunities.
Before leading Columbia Housing, Ms. Bean served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Housing Authority of the City of Lafayette, Louisiana. Under her guidance, the agency overcame HUD supervision and achieved significant growth, operational stability, and financial health.
Ms. Bean is also deeply involved in advancing the affordable housing sector through her extensive board and committee work. She serves on the Board of Governors for the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) and is the Vice Chair of NAHRO’s Legislative Network Advisory Committee. She also chairs the Legislative Committee for the Southeastern Regional Council of NAHRO and holds leadership roles on multiple other housing and community development boards. Ms. Bean’s contributions to the industry have been recognized with prestigious honors, including NAHRO’s 2023 Professional of the Year award and the 2024 Advocate of the Year award.
Ms. Bean holds a Master’s degree in Counseling & Psychology from Troy State University, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Augusta State University, and several nationally recognized certifications in affordable housing.
Reflecting on her appointment, Ms. Bean shared:
“I am incredibly honored to have been selected to serve as IHA’s new CEO. The organization’s mission aligns deeply with my values and passion for creating equitable housing and economic opportunities for marginalized communities. My work has been rooted in the belief that housing is a right and not a privilege—EVERYONE deserves access to safe, affordable housing. I am thrilled to join IHA and look forward to collaborating with HUD, the City, the Board, the IHA team, residents, and community partners to contribute to IHA’s impactful work.”
From KXAN News Austin:
The U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development’s acting secretary, Adrianne Todman, visited the build site of an Austin affordable housing project Wednesday morning.
The Prospect Heights project is a redevelopment of the former Rosewood Courts, one of the nation’s oldest public housing sites. The development is under the direction of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) and the Austin Habitat for Humanity.
Todman’s remarks honored the legacy of former President Jimmy Carter.
“When people talk about housing, it’s sometimes this very abstract thing,” she said. “But what [Carter] did…for decades, he was out there with a hammer and a toolkit, pounding nails, making sure that people saw him as a former president, lifting up something that’s so important to all of us, and that is access to partnership and access to housing.”
Following the speeches, Todman, Watson and Travis County Judge Andy Brown participated in the raising of wall frame sections.
“Austin is one of the rare, rare cities across the country that have built so much houses that we’ve been able to see rents just modulate and go down. That’s tremendous,” Todman said. “A lot of other places that are trying to do that have not done it, but Austin is a shining light of an example of what can be done.”
Read KXAN News Austin's article "HUD Secretary tours Rosewood Courts redevelopment project."
From the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles' press release:
The holidays are in full swing across public housing communities. The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) launched its 2024 Holiday Toy Giveaway series for children aged 0-12 and families at all 14 public housing sites. This annual initiative, made possible through the strong partnership between HACLA, partners, and residents, led to the distribution of over 6,000 toys.
“The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and giving back to our community,” said Lourdes Castro Ramírez, HACLA President and CEO. “Our annual toy giveaways are a testament to HACLA’s commitment to bringing joy to our youngest residents while fostering a sense of community. This wouldn’t be possible without the dedication and hard work of our resident leaders, our staff, and supportive partners who go above and beyond to ensure families across our public housing sites feel cared about during this special time of year.”
The toy giveaways brought holiday joy to nearly 6,000 families across HACLA’s public housing sites, with special highlights at Pueblo del Rio, Ramona Gardens, Jordan Downs, and Nickerson Gardens. At Pueblo del Rio, the Community Safety Partnership Bureau (CSP) created a winter wonderland by bringing snow for residents to enjoy. At Ramona Gardens, the event featured a treat station and a photo area with Santa Claus, while Boys and Girls Club volunteers helped manage the toy giveaway. Over at Jordan Downs, Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta volunteers spread holiday cheer as they escorted children to select their toys. These events showcased the strong community spirit across HACLA’s public housing sites.
“These events are about more than just gifts; they’re about creating lasting memories and a sense of belonging for our communities. We are proud to stand alongside HACLA and community partners to bring holiday magic to our neighborhoods,” stated Joel Lopez, CSP Assistant Commanding Officer.
JR Dzubak, CEO of West San Gabriel Valley and Eastside Boys and Girls Club, added, “On December 10th, the spirit of giving will shine brighter than ever as we join forces with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles and West San Gabriel Valley Boys & Girls Club to spread joy and hope. This toy giveaway is more than just a holiday tradition—it's a reminder of the power of community, where every gift given is a symbol of our collective care and commitment to uplifting our neighbors.”
“The “Toys for Watts” event is hosted by the Theta Alpha Sigma Alumni Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity inc. This event started in 2003. We have over 50 volunteers from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Our fraternity’s motto is culture for service and service for humanity and “Toys for Watts” is a great opportunity to share this effort. Our fraternity’s principles are brotherhood, scholarship, and service so we love serving the kids in Jordan Downs. Many of our fraternity members lived in Watts and Jordan, so this has special meaning in supporting communities of our own. We reach out to community members, friend, and family to support these kids," said Chris Manigault, Giveaway Project Coordinator and former Phi Beta Sigma chapter president.
As part of the series, HACLA also collaborated with Top Dawg Entertainment (TDE) for their annual Holiday Charity Concert and Toy Giveaway at Nickerson Gardens. The two-day event featured performances by TDE artists and special guests, with concert entry granted in exchange for donations of unwrapped toys, new clothes, or other items. The concert is followed by a community event the next day, offering activities such as a toy giveaway, carnival attractions, and a family holiday photo opportunity.
“Partnering with HACLA to create TDE Christmas has been nothing short of incredible. This initiative has brought both joy and profound impact, funneling tens of millions into Nickerson Gardens and Watts while inspiring hope and unity. It’s an honor to be part of something so transformative,” said Brandon “Big B” Tiffith, TDE Chief Marketing Officer.
These efforts were also made possible thanks to the generous support of our partners including Veritas, California Office of Traffic Safety, Legacy LA, Alma Services, Soledad Enrichment Action, South LA All In, Al Barro Foundation, Mama’s Del Sur Centro, Start Here, Urbano Strategies, Zapatos, and other local organizations.