Members Making News

Minneapolis PHA gets funding boost from city for affordable housing projects


From Finance & Commmerce:

The Minneapolis Public Housing Authority is getting $5 million annually to support the preservation and construction of affordable housing in the city.

The funding, part of a long-term agreement announced by the city Thursday, is five times as much as the current funding for capital improvements. The city also receives annual capital funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD funding was $20 million in 2022.

Adding more housing units is key for new head of Boston Housing Authority


From WBUR Boston:

Boston's largest housing provider has a new leader. This week, former Boston City Councilor Kenzie Bok begins her role as administrator of the Boston Housing Authority, the agency that oversees the city's affordable housing.

She joined WBUR's Morning Edition host Rupa Shenoy to talk about her vision for increasing affordable housing and directing more resources to the problem.

New senior housing coming to Oak Park (Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency)


From Sacramento News & Review:

After years of behind the scenes work and collaborations between the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency, Itasker Hollins Community Economic Development Corporation and development partner Related California, a new affordable senior housing development on 39th street and Broadway began construction on July 28. 

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