PAHRC Report: How PHAs Are Supporting Residents’ Physical and Mental Health through the Pandemic

From Bloomberg:
A public housing community in Jersey City received an unusual amenity earlier this month: an indoor farm that will produce 550 pounds of free leafy greens a year. It’s the first of 10 aeroponic farms that will be installed across the city in a novel pilot program called Healthy Greens JC that aims to tackle food insecurity by merging technology, education and food access.
From Eminetra:
Access to food, or inaccessibility, has long been a problem in Sun Valley. It has been described as both a food desert and a food swamp. Similar ideas indicate that access to large grocery stores is not as easy as that of healthy food stores, and that the number of fast food and convenience stores is disproportionate.
From WKYC 3:
$18 million is now going to address disparities for the underprivileged in Cleveland. It's called the "ACHIEVE GreatER" initiative, spearheaded by Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals.
The initiatve will help tackle complex issues that reside deeper than the surface of the skin. Medical issues that often get roadblocked by socio-economic challenges we face, especially for underdeveloped and struggling parts of Cleveland.
As some of you know, CLPHA has operated an education working group since 2014. In 2016, we opened up our regular webinar series to non-CLPHA members while keeping roundtables and update sessions for CLPHA members only.
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority’s press release:
Lucas Metropolitan Housing and Toledo Lucas County Health Department officials appeared on a WTOL 11 Toledo news segment to share information on getting the COVID-19 vaccine. You can watch the news segment here.
From the Congressional SDOH Caucus:
The Congressional Social Determinants of Health Caucus is seeking public feedback on challenges and opportunities related to social determinants of health.