
CLPHA members represent some of the largest and most innovative public housing authorities from virtually every major metropolitan area in the country. Together they manage nearly 40 percent of the nation’s public housing program; administer more than a quarter of the Housing Choice Voucher program; and operate a wide array of other housing programs.

Member Directory

Members Making News
From Affordable Housing Finance: Maria Torres-Springer, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT After leading the nation’s largest municipal housing development agency, Maria Torres-Springer will step into the new role of vice president of U.S. programs at the Ford Foundation in May.
From the The Miami Times:  Renovations at one of the buildings at Three Round Tower elderly housing complex have been completed and Miami-Dade County Commissioner Audrey Edmonson cut the ribbon on the refurbished tower on Feb. 22.
From  the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles' website:  The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) was awarded a $3.7 Million Jobs Plus Initiative (JPI) grant by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The award was announced by Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of HUD, during a press conference held at Nickerson Gardens, HACLA’s largest public housing...
From the Los Angeles Times: Ben Carson, the U.S. secretary of Housing and Urban Development, went to Watts on Wednesday to announce a $3.7-million grant for a new job center at Nickerson Gardens, the biggest public housing development west of the Mississippi.
From the Distirct of Columbia Housing Authority's e-newsletter: The District of Columbia Housing Authority's Section 3 program was highlighted by the regional director and field office director of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Mid-Atlantic Region. Regional Director Joseph DeFelice said, "Congrats to the District of Columbia Housing Authority on the great...
Become a Member of CLPHA

CLPHA members represent the nation’s largest public housing authorities, who together manage nearly 40 percent of all public housing and administer more than a quarter of the Housing Choice Voucher program.

We support the nation's largest and most innovative housing authorities by advocating for the resources they need to solve local housing challenges and create communities of opportunity. CLPHA is the only organization that focuses exclusively on issues that concern large public housing authorities—a leader in representing your interests.

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Members at a Glance

Job Openings in Public & Affordable Housing

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