Housing Authority of Baltimore City

Janet Abrahams, President & CEO
417 E Fayette Street
Baltimore, MD
(410) 396-3237
(410) 548-3238
MTW Agency

By The numbers

Public Housing Units 7341
Vouchers 20665
Total Units 28006

Latest News

10.29.24 Members Making News
From ABC 2 Baltimore: Wednesday marks a significant milestone. Phase 2 of Perkins Square, formerly known as Perkins Homes opened, providing brand new mixed-income housing and more. "I'm looking out here, and I'm seeing a lot of residents that [are] ready to get a key right now to go into their...
5.31.24 Members Making News
From the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's press release: Today, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) joined with elected officials, McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS), development and community partners, and residents to celebrate the completion of Phase 1 of Perkins Square, formerly...
1.8.24 Members Making News
From the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's press release: McCormack Baron Salazar, in collaboration with its codeveloper, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC), proudly announces the financial closing and construction commencement of Phase III in the Perkins Homes Redevelopment. This...
11.14.23 Members Making News
From the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's press release: The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) and Coppin State University (CSU) today launched the Student Housing Initiative, a first-of-its-kind program in Maryland to provide low-income college students with vouchers to live in...
4.11.23 CLPHA Member Update, Awards/Grants
HUD Opens Applications for New $10 Million for Choice Neighborhoods Planning Efforts HUD announced on Tuesday more than $98 million in “Supplemental Grant” awards for Choice Neighborhoods  Implementation Grantees...
1.10.23 Members Making News
From CBS Baltimore: The Housing Authority of Baltimore City said it helped nearly 1,700 residents find new homes this year through the Housing Choice Voucher Program. That's a 30 percent increase from 2021, according to Baltimore City. There are more than 13,000 residents currently enrolled in...
1.6.23 CLPHA Member Update, Members Making News
CLPHA Members Receive One-Fourth of All Awards  HUD announced the award of $24.7 million to 98 PHAs for providing non-elderly persons with disabilities with permanent affordable housing. The assistance will be provided through the Section 811 Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program, and...
12.6.22 CLPHA Member Update, Members Making News
HUD has awarded $30 million in funding to hire and maintain Service Coordinators who will assess the needs of residents of conventional Public Housing and assist in coordinating community resources. The ROSS-SC awards will go to 111 Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) among other entities to...
10.26.22 Members Making News
From McCormick Baron Salazar's press release: Construction has begun on Phase I of the redevelopment of the Perkins Homes in East Baltimore with the closing of financing by lead housing developer McCormack Baron Salazar. Phase I includes 103 mixed-income apartment units in one four-story...
10.5.22 CLPHA Member Update, Members Making News
HUD has awarded $10.4 million to PHAs for capital improvements in public housing developments that will enhance safety and security for residents. These funds are being awarded through HUD’s Capital Fund Emergency Safety and Security Program, and they support the Biden-Harris Administration’s...

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