Mayor Brandon Scott and the Baltimore City of Information and Technology (BCIT) partnered with ewaste recycling org PCs for People to donate more than 900 laptops to residents of Baltimore.
With the partnership, which was detailed Tuesday, city government is teaming with a digital inclusion nonprofit to get computer equipment to low-income families in the city at a time when access to devices is crucial for distance learning and remote work.
From Cambridge Day:
A campaign to bring Covid-19 vaccine to tenants in public housing developments for the elderly and disabled has begun to show results. On Thursday the Cambridge Public Health Department will vaccinate residents of Manning Apartments in their 205-unit building in Central Square. On Friday, tenants at the 297-unit Miller’s River Apartments in East Cambridge will get the vaccine onsite.
From the District of Columbia Housing Authority's website:
The District of Columbia Housing Authority staff is partnering with D.C. Department of Health and community health partners to vaccinate senior citizens living in DCHA properties beginning this week.
As of January 20, 2021, Santa Clara County Housing Authority Executive Director Katherine Harasz has retired. SCCHA Deputy Executive Director Sharon Jones will serve as the PHA’s interim executive director.
From the Virgin Islands Housing Authority's press release:
Former Tutu High Rise and Donoe residents displaced by Hurricanes Marilyn, Irma and Maria will have first option to apply for new hurricane-resistant, energy-independent residential community.
City officials on Monday struck a celebratory tone in announcing the successful expenditure of $12.9 million in federally sourced rental relief for residents financially hit by the coronavirus.
From WCNC Charlotte:
Minority and underserved communities were hit the hardest by COVID-19 throughout this pandemic. When a vaccine was created, there were questions about whether our underserved communities would have equal access to it.
The Mecklenburg County Health Department is working to make sure that happens.
Currently, county health officials are only giving the vaccine out at Bojangles Coliseum.
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Comcast said Tuesday it will equip eight safe spaces in communities in the Pittsburgh area with internet service to help students from low-income families access their online education amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The spaces, known as “lift zones,” will be installed over the next few months at supervised community centers at city Housing Authority properties and other locations.
From the Anchorage Daily News:
A panel of the Alaska Legislature voted Monday to accept up to $200 million in federal aid for renters affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, but it will be some time before the money reaches Alaskans.
The Alaska Housing Finance Corp. will handle distribution in much of the state. The corporation declined an interview on Wednesday, saying it was still formulating plans to give out the money.
From Lucas Metropolitan Housing's press release:
In 2020, the Board of Lucas County Commissioners made CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) funding available to local organizations to cover the cost of expenditures incurred due to the unprecedented COVID-19 public health emergency.