Members Making News

A Novel Pilot Brings Vertical Farms to Public Housing (Jersey City Housing Authority)


From Bloomberg:

A public housing community in Jersey City received an unusual amenity earlier this month: an indoor farm that will produce 550 pounds of free leafy greens a year. It’s the first of 10 aeroponic farms that will be installed across the city in a novel pilot program called ​​Healthy Greens JC that aims to tackle food insecurity by merging technology, education and food access.

New mixed-income apartment building nearing completion on site of former motel in Liberty Wells (Housing Authority of Salt Lake City)


From Building Salt Lake:

Builders are putting the finishing touches onto a mixed-income apartment building that replaces a former crime-ridden motel on State Street.

Capitol Homes will bring 93 new residences — two-thirds of them rent-restricted — to the Liberty Wells neighborhood. The building replaces the former Capitol Motel at 1749 S. State.

A Milwaukee Historic Restoration Makes Homes For Veterans (Housing Authority City of Milwaukee)


From Forbes:

From the beginning, this country showed concern for the housing of its veterans: the first national veterans' home in the United States was the United States Naval Home, approved in 1811, but not opened until 1834 in the Philadelphia Naval Yard. Things picked up after the Civil War, and by 1933, there were 17 federally-managed veterans’ homes. 43 states managed 55 functioning state veterans’ homes before 1933; 14 of those states also had a federal veterans’ home open at the same time.

A New Grocery Store Aims to Address Food Access Issues in Sun Valley (Denver Housing Authority)


From Eminetra:

Access to food, or inaccessibility, has long been a problem in Sun Valley. It has been described as both a food desert and a food swamp. Similar ideas indicate that access to large grocery stores is not as easy as that of healthy food stores, and that the number of fast food and convenience stores is disproportionate.

Dodgers Foundation makes dream come true with new baseball field (Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles)


From Spectrum News 1:

Grabbing their gloves and walking out onto the baseball field still takes some getting used to for 17-year-old Melissa Perez and 12-year-old Katherine Rios "because we never had anything like this and it’s all new to us," Perez said.

The field they walked out onto at the Boys & Girls club of William Meade — to them — is straight out of a dream.

Chicago Housing Authority, Operation Warm give away more than 6K winter coats


From ABC 7 Chicago:

The Chicago Housing Authority and Operation Warm gave away more than 6,000 coats Saturday to people just before the city takes a turn toward winter weather.

"It just helps the community so much," said Angela Young, who received a coat at the drive.

That's the goal of Operation Warm, the non-profit that teamed up with CHA to support children and families in need before the cold sets in.

Columbus housing for those who age out of foster care celebrates 1st anniversary (Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority)


From NBC 4 Columbus:

 Residents and organizers celebrated the first anniversary of the Carol Stewart Village in Franklinton, a place designed to help at-risk youth find stable housing, healthcare, and prepare them for success.

“It kind of puts you on the right track once you have the stability of housing,” said Jay Kerr, a recently placed resident of the village.

Kerr says he was 19 when his foster parents kicked him out of the house.

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