CLPHA Member Update
Updates on Build America, Buy America (BABA) and Compliance FAQs
HUD Announces Updates to Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards
HUD Announces Alternative Requirements for the Administration of Mainstream Vouchers
HUD Issues Guidance on Rate Reduction Incentive in Public Housing
HUD Seeks Feedback on Choice Neighborhoods Program; Take CLPHA’s Survey to Inform Our Comments
HUD Publishes FY25 Fair Market Rents to be Implemented on October 1
HUD Announces Second Offset to Address Shortfall Funding Needs
HUD Releases Updated FAQs on Emergency Housing Vouchers
On August 1, HUD posted new FAQs on the EHV website which provide guidance on the termination of vouchers and shortfalls, covered in PIH Notice 2023-14.
HUD Expands Access to HUD-VASH for Veterans
Today, HUD announced policy changes to the VASH program aimed at improving access to housing opportunities for veterans with service-connected disability benefits. HUD is expanding access to HUD-VASH by requiring PHAs to set initial income eligibility for veterans at 80% of AMI, rather than 50% of AMI.