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11.19.19 CLPHA Member Update
The House Committee on Financial Services Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development will hold a legislative hearing entitled, "Safe and Decent? Examining the Current State of Residents’ Health and Safety in HUD Housing” at 2:00 PM ET tomorrow. The hearing will be webcast...
11.14.19 Members Making News
From Trenton Daily: Senior housing, barber shops, and houses of worship are just a few of the places Trenton residents can now get free health screenings–along with referrals for cancer screenings and other follow-up care–thanks to a new Trenton Health Team outreach program.  THT...
10.10.19 Members Making News
From Kaiser Health News: One patient at Denver Health, the city’s largest safety net hospital, occupied a bed for more than four years — a hospital record of 1,558 days. Another admitted for a hard-to-treat bacterial infection needed eight weeks of at-home IV antibiotics, but had no home. A...
10.10.19 Members Making News
From Lawndale News: Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) officials joined La Casa Norte, the City of Chicago Department of Housing, local elected officials and members of the community to dedicate Pierce House, which brings 25 units of supportive housing to the Humboldt Park community. The one and...
9.16.19 CLPHA Member Update
With the explosion of the opioid epidemic over the last decade, communities have seen alarming increases in substance abuse and drug-related deaths. Given the scale and urgency of these issues, officials at the local, state, and federal level have sought to prevent and treat addiction and drug...
9.12.19 Members Making News
From WHYY: Chester’s Ruth Bennett Community Farm is a vibrant oasis in a desert of dull brick and lifeless concrete. Tucked below Interstate 95 at the top of a cul-de-sac, the 2-acre farm teems with life: organic produce, wildflowers, and a host of winged insects that flutter between the two. “...
9.12.19 Members Making News
From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Residents of Pittsburgh’s Bedford Dwellings are getting a lift from Lyft. The ride-share service on Thursday announced it would transport residents of Bedford and those at Prospect Terrace in East Pittsburgh, both public housing communities, to and from...
9.12.19 Members Making News
From the Urban Institute: Altgeld Gardens, a Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) development, is an isolated community on the far south side of the city and is home to nearly 1,500 families. But it doesn’t have a single grocery store. Within the past year, the only two food outlets in the community—a...
8.8.19 Awards/Grants
A new public health funding opportunity from the Public Health National Center for Innovations (PHNCI) and the Center for Sharing Public Health Services (CSPHS) could help support public housing authorities that are building and sustaining cross-sector health partnerships. PHNCI and CSPHS are...
8.8.19 Report, Case Study
The National Housing Conference (NHC) has released its latest report, “Promising Health and Housing Collaborations," which discuss learnings from three innovative health care and housing partnerships. With funding from a Kresge Foundation grant, NHC brought together practitioners from both...

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