Mayor Barrett announces over $30M in funds will support housing activities in Milwaukee (Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee)


From CBS 58 News Milwaukee:

Mayor Tom Barrett announced Sunday, July 11, he is directing over $30 million to support housing activities in Milwaukee using funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The money is the first phase of ARPA funds to be deployed to increase housing and homeownership programs and to address potential displacement of residents stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.

FCC Selects MetroHealth to Expand High-Speed, Low-Cost Broadband Access to Low-Income Patients Residing in Cuyahoga MHA Housing


From MetroHealth's press release:

MetroHealth’s proposed pilot project has been selected by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to participate in the FCC’s Connected Care Pilot Program. This pilot will support the System’s Digital Connectivity Initiative, which includes providing patients living in the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) housing with high-speed, low-cost internet access. The pilot proposes FCC funding of $901,000 over three years to subsidize internet connection for CMHA residents.

Columbus MHA to receive $21 million in federal funds for emergency housing vouchers for homeless


From The Columbus Dispatch:

The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority will be using $21 million in new federal money to pay for emergency vouchers to house 298 homeless families.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded the money as part of $5 billion being distributed nationwide for housing the homeless.

Hampton U mobile COVID-19 vaccine, testing clinics aim to break barriers in Norfolk communities (Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority)


From WVEC Nofolk:

If you stopped by the park at the Oakleaf Forest housing community Wednesday, you’d think it was just one big party. 

It featured music, games, and an ice cream truck on the warm spring day. 

But the event, coordinated by Hampton University, strived to keep people healthy. 

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