CLPHA, Industry Groups, 777 PHAs Urge Congress to Provide More COVID-19 Supplemental Funding & Longer-Term Preservation Resources


CLPHA, Industry Groups, 777 Public Housing Authorities Implore Congress to Provide an Additional $8.5B in Emergency Supplemental Funding for PHAs Plus Longer-Term Preservation Resources for Public Housing in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

CLPHA to Speak on Today's NLIHC COVID-19 Webinar


The National Low Income Housing Coalition's (NLIHC) Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition is hosting weekly national calls every Monday at 2:30 p.m. ET for housing and homelessness advocates nationwide to learn more about how federal, state, and local governments are responding to a national outbreak of COVID-19 and its impact on people experiencing homelessness and low-income households.

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