From Comcast's press release:
The Saint Paul Public Housing Agency (PHA) and Comcast today announced they have partnered to provide a WiFi connection to Xfinity's advanced network in all 16 of PHA’s buildings in Saint Paul. The partnership is Comcast’s first collaboration with a Minnesota-based housing agency to provide preinstalled, already on connectivity to the Xfinity network for their residents.
From WTNH 8 News New Haven:
The Housing Authority of New Haven cut the ribbon Friday on 40 housing units in the West Rock neighborhood.
Karen DuBois-Walton, the president of Elm City Communities, said there are 40,000 families on a waitlist for affordable housing.
From Rep. Pete Aguilar's press release:
Yesterday, Rep. Pete Aguilar announced $2.6 million in federal funding for the Arrowhead Grove Community Resource Center, which will provide supportive services focused on health, wellness, housing stability services and economic self-sufficiency for Arrowhead Grove residents.
From Opportunity Home San Antonio's website:
Opportunity Home San Antonio is announcing a new Emergency Rental Assistance Fund, an eviction diversion initiative designed to provide emergency rental assistance to households experiencing an extreme financial hardship, such as the death of a household member, a medical emergency or severe illness, which would prevent rental payments from being made.
From Lucas Metropolitan Housing's press release:
The Lucas Metropolitan Housing (LMH) Board of Commissioners announced today the selection of Senghor Manns as LMH’s new president & CEO, effective Aug. 12.
Manns, 55, previously served as the CEO of the Harrisburg Housing Authority (HHA) in Pennsylvania and has successfully worked as an executive-level staffer for a combined total of 18 years with HHA and the Indianapolis Housing Agency.
From the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs' press release:
The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) today announced the award of $6,552,869 in Small Cities Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) to non-entitlement municipalities and counties in New Jersey. The 22 grants are going to 17 local government entities in eight counties. DCA’s Division of Housing and Community Resources receives, distributes, and administers these federal grant funds for the State of New Jersey.
From WKRG News Mobile:
Despite rising interest rates and skyrocketing home prices–a community group says home ownership is still within reach for many families.
This weekend the city of Mobile Housing Authority, Mobile County and other groups are partnering for an annual wealth-building day.
This is an event that local brokers have been holding for the past several years, taking it to different spots in Mobile. This year it will be hosted here at the Robert L. Hope Community Center.
From the Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura's press release:
The Housing Authority of the City of San Buenaventura (HACSB) and nonprofit BRIDGE Housing are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of Westview Village II, a 50-unit affordable rental development which broke ground in the spring of 2022.