Members Making News

The Yakima Housing Authority will open seasonal housing for migrant farm workers this month. the Cosecha Courts 2 project will house 96 workers in the agriculture-rich Yakima Valley.


The Yakima Housing Authority will open seasonal housing for migrant farm workers this month. the Cosecha Courts 2 project will house 96 workers in the agriculture-rich Yakima Valley. 

SAHA also has begun an initiative at its Cassiano Homes community to partner with the police and local agencies to walk with Cassiano Homes children to school and teach them about street safety.


SAHA also has begun an initiative at its Cassiano Homes community to partner with the police and local agencies to walk with Cassiano Homes children to school and teach them about street safety. 

The San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) will build a neighborhood park on San Antonio's East Side with funding from its $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Initiative grant.


The San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) will build a neighborhood park on San Antonio's East Side with funding from its $30 million Choice Neighborhoods Initiative grant.

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