Members Making News

Membership Spotlight: Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP)


CLPHA’s Membership Spotlight features the outstanding work and achievements of our member public housing authorities - the nation’s largest and most innovative PHAs. Based on interviews with PHA executives, these brief profiles spotlight our members’ initiatives to strengthen their communities and improve life outcomes for their residents.

Membership Spotlight: Housing Authority of Salt Lake City (HASLC)


CLPHA’s Membership Spotlight features the outstanding work and achievements of our member public housing authorities - the nation’s largest and most innovative PHAs. Based on interviews with PHA executives, these brief profiles spotlight our members’ initiatives to strengthen their communities and improve life outcomes for their residents.

Congratulations to CLPHA PHAs Receiving FUP Vouchers; Free CLPHA & CSH Webinar to Prepare PHAs for Implementation


On November 21, HUD announced awards for the Family Unification Program (FUP), a partnership between PHAs and child welfare agencies that provides housing assistance to foster youth at risk of homelessness and families whose lack of housing is a reason for their child’s foster care placement or is preventing family reunification. HUD awarded $30 million in funding to provide 3,000 vouchers. 15 CLPHA members received awards:

Yonkers MHA Unveils Affordable Housing Renovations


The Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers (MHACY) Executive Director Joseph Shuldiner and Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano showed off the first completed phase of MHACY’s Schlobohm Houses revitalization on a tour with the press and New York State Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins. With mixed financing made possible by the RAD program, MHACY will renovate 411 units across eight buildings at a cost of $50 million.

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