Members Making News

Sacramento HRA Receives HUD SEMAP High Performer Status & HUD Region IX Program of the Year Award


The Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency received High Performer status under HUD’s Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) and the 2019 HUD Region IX Program of the Year Award for the housing authority’s operation of the the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Program.

Sacramento HRA Working to Provide Permanent Supportive Housing to Individuals Experiencing Homelessness


The Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency (SHRA), in partnership with the County Department of Homeless Initiatives, is working to provide permanent supportive housing to individuals experiencing homelessness. If their joint application is approved, Sacramento could receive over $5 million to fund permanent housing with wraparound supportive services through State bond funding under California’s No Place Like Home Program.

Cincinnati MHA CEO Discusses Affordable Housing Issues and Solutions in Cincinnati Area


Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) CEO Gregory Johnson participated on behalf of CMHA in a meeting comprised of local organizations, officials, and experts who convened to address affordable housing and related issues in the greater Cincinnati area and collaboratively generate solutions that increase housing opportunities.

Cincinnati MHA CEO Pens Op-Ed on Housing Authority's Bold Steps to Preserve Its Affordable Housing Stock


Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) CEO Gregory Johnson penned an op-ed in the Cincinnati Enquirer outlining CMHA's bold steps to preserve its existing affordable housing stock by using new tools, fostering public and private partnerships, and employing programs like Section 3.

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