The city and Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority intend to team up to pursue federal funding that would replace antiquated housing and revitalize an East Side neighborhood.
The project would involve a six-year, $35-million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
From the Boston Real Estate Times:
Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined the Madison Park Development Corporation (MPDC), the Boston Housing Authority (BHA), local elected officials and the Madison-Whittier Coalition to celebrate the grand opening of the Melnea Cass Apartments.
The $39 million project creates 76 units of new mixed-income housing at 40 Raynor Circle and 600 Melnea Cass Blvd, and is part of the BHA’s Whittier Choice Neighborhood grant program.
From HUD's press release:
Expanding on its commitment to help local communities redevelop severely distressed HUD assisted housing and revitalize neighborhoods, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today awarded more than $5 million to four communities.
Funded through HUD's Choice Neighborhoods program, these grants will help local leaders to craft comprehensive, homegrown plans to revitalize and transform these neighborhoods.
From Multi-Housing News:
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) kicked off construction for the 244-acre, nine-phase, $1 billion redevelopment known as the Perkins-Somerset-Oldtown (PSO) Transformation Plan.
Congressional staff who focus on housing policy for key committees, Senators, and Representatives heard about the mission, work, and challenges of public housing authorities during a bus tour of several District of Columbia Housing Authority properties on Tuesday morning.
The Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing Authority (NRHA) is one of four finalists for a HUD Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Grant. If selected, NRHA and the City of Norfolk will use the $30M grant to transform Norfolk’s St.