Choice Neighborhoods

City of Norfolk, Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority and Developers Host Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for New Kindred Communities


From the City of Norfolk's press release:

The City of Norfolk, Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority (NRHA), the Franklin Group and Brinshore Development celebrated the grand opening of the first two buildings at Kindred with an official ribbon cutting ceremony today, Sept. 17, at noon. The buildings, Reunion Senior Living and Origin Circle, are now fully leased, including 44 former Tidewater Gardens residents who have chosen to return to Kindred.

Housing Authority of Baltimore City, Community Partners Welcome Back Residents of Perkins Square, Part of HABC's Choice Neighborhoods Redevelopment


From the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's press release:

Today, the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) joined with elected officials, McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS), development and community partners, and residents to celebrate the completion of Phase 1 of Perkins Square, formerly known as Perkins Homes, providing 103 new mixed-income housing units.

New Cuyahoga MHA community opens in Cleveland's Buckeye-Woodhill neighborhood


From WKYC 3 Studios:

 A new apartment community boasting 120 affordable homes opened Thursday in Cleveland's Buckeye-Woodhill neighborhood. 

Officials from the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) attended the grand opening of Woodhill Station West. The building, once an empty lot across from the RTA Woodhill-Buckeye train station, features 42 one-bedroom, 62 two-bedroom and 16 three-bedroom apartments as well as 4,520 square feet of community space.

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