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CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman spoke to the Pew Charitable Trust's Stateline blog about the looming crisis facing public housing authorities (PHAs) if the shutdown continues. In today's article "Cities Scramble as Shutdown Leaves Families in Federal Housing Vulnerable,"...
Comstock Magazine interviewed SHRA Executive Director La Shelle Dozier about Sacramento’s efforts to increase affordable housing in the region and the crucial partnerships that help SHRA work towards this goal. Dozier also discussed SHRA’s first-time homebuyer assistance program and Sacramento’s...
The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) plans to issue up to $25 million in tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds to fund the renovation of Cascade Village Apartments, a 74-unit low-income apartment complex in South Sacramento. When renovations are complete, the community will feature...
The Washington Post published an in-depth article about Washington, D.C.’s new Plaza West apartment complex, a high-rise featuring 50 units set aside for families of grandparents raising grandchildren, and the positive impact this unique community has on its resident “grandfamilies.” The ...
District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) Executive Director Tyrone Garrett announced that DCHA “has increased participation and success rates by nearly 150 percent in the Section 3 employment program and a 70 percent increase in job training and professional development.” In FY 2018 more than...
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) donated land in Columbus’s Linden neighborhood to architecture firm Moody Nolan for the construction of its first “Legacy Project,” a mortgage-free single-family home that will be provided to a low-income family selected by community partner...
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) held a job fair for dozens of college students living in CHA communities. Nineteen companies participated in the event.
The Boston Housing Authority (BHA), Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh, LIHC Investment Group, and other partners announced HUD’s approval of their agreement to keep Boston’s Concord Houses affordable for the next 40 years, with the support of the building’s tenants. Concord House’s HUD subsidy...
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel cut the ribbon on the latest two redevelopment projects that co-locate Chicago public libraries within Chicago Housing Authority mixed-income housing complexes. These new library communities, one in the Little Italy neighborhood and one in Irving Park, will provide...
Research shows that housing stability, location, and quality have long-term effects: intermittent homelessness, poverty, and environmental hazards may contribute to negative health outcomes for individuals of all ages.
The National League of Cities and NeighborWorks seek to address these...