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8.8.19 Members Making News
From Next City: "The need for this program far exceeds available resources.” That was how the Housing Authority of the City of Austin put it when it reopened its waitlist for Housing Choice Vouchers last September for the first time in four years. The Housing Choice Voucher program,...
8.8.19 Members Making News
From the Asheville Citizen Times: Growing up on a farm in rural Kentucky, Gene Bell learned the value — and the price — of hard physical labor. ... Now, six decades later, Bell has retired after a 25-year career with the Housing Authority of the City of Asheville, including the past 14 as...
8.8.19 CLPHA Newsletter
We're pleased to present a new interactive version of the CLPHA Report, CLPHA's newsletter featuring the latest news from our members and the public and affordable housing industry. Use the scroller on the right-hand side of the cover image below to view newsletter stories, or click the...
On July 29 and August 6, CLPHA co-hosted webinars with the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) on the Mainstream Voucher Program. The July 29 webinar, for CLPHA members only, covered the recent Mainstream Voucher NOFA that is due on September 5th. CLPHA and CSH staff also discussed common...
Sens. Schatz and Young Introduce Bipartisan Companion Legislation to Reform CDBG-DR Assistance On July 11, 2019 Representative Al Green (D-TX) introduced HR 3702, the “Reforming Disaster Recovery Act of 2019,” along with cosponsor Representative Ann Wagner (R-MO). As senior members of the House...
8.5.19 Members Making News, Innovations, Report, CLPHA Member Update
A new study by Economist Raj Chetty and his research partners illustrates how the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) and King County Housing Authority’s (KCHA) experimental program is helping low-income families relocate from low-opportunity to high-opportunity areas, a move that can greatly improve...
Agreement Heads to White House for Signature The U.S. Senate followed the U.S. House on August 1 and passed by a vote of 67-28 HR 3877, the “Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019”, the all-encompassing two-year budget deal that increases spending for military and domestic programs, suspends the debt...
After five-months-long negotiations between House and Senate leadership and the White House, the House passed an all-encompassing two-year budget deal on July 25 that increases spending for military and domestic programs, suspends the debt ceiling through mid-2021, and eliminates the threat of...
7.25.19 Members Making News, Awards/Grants
From the Auburn Reporter: Puget Sound Energy has awarded the King County Housing Authority with a grant to install solar panels at the Meadows on Lea Hill Apartments in Auburn. The Village at Overlake Station in Redmond, and Windsor Heights Apartments at SeaTac also will receive solar panels....
7.25.19 Members Making News
From Connect Boston: Commercial Real Estate News: Construction is underway on the renovation of Millers River Apartments, a 285-unit affordable housing community in Cambridge. To complete the project, MassHousing provided $82 million in financing to the Cambridge Housing Authority (CHA),...

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