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Minnesota Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar Introduce the Public Housing Fire Safety Act of 2019
In response to the tragic high-rise fire in Minneapolis last month, Minnesota Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar introduced the Public Housing Fire Safety Act of 2019 this week. The bill would create a new competitive grant program to provide funds to PHAs who wish to retrofit older high-rise...
CLPHA is pleased to share the Education Working Group’s webinar series calendar of events for 2019-2020. Most webinars are open to our broader community of practice! This year’s series covers a variety of topics such as attendance, child welfare, racial equity, and predatory for-profit...
New research from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) shows that federal rental assistance reduces crowding, housing instability, and homelessness, lifts individuals out of poverty, boosts children's life outcomes, and improves adult well-being & health costs.
However, while...
On Tuesday, December 10, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced the Affordable Housing for Educational Achievement Demonstration (AHEAD) Act, legislation intended to encourage public housing authorities and school districts to work together to address child and family homelessness through a...
Last month, HUD released a report on new findings from the Rent Reform Demonstration, a randomized control study examining the effects of new rent rules on families served by four PHAs. Approximately 6,600 families in the voucher program at the Lexington, Louisville, San Antonio, and D.C. Housing...
Yesterday, House and Senate appropriators reached an agreement on THUD funding for FY 2020. The House voted 280-138 today to pass the bill and the Senate is expected is to vote later this week, before the current Continuing Resolution expires on December 21. The bill includes $4....
CLPHA and Reno & Cavanaugh recently submitted comments on HUD’s proposed revised forms of the Public Housing Authority Annual Contributions Contract (“ACC”) and Mixed Finance Amendment to the ACC (“MFACC Amendment”). Our comments, which were drafted with feedback from CLPHA members, are...
On December 5, HUD held a landlord symposium in Indianapolis that was attended by HUD staff, landlords, and PHAs. Attendees listened to presentations from a variety of local and national stakeholders, including the deputy mayor of Indianapolis, who described the city’s efforts to reduce...
Next week, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) will re-introduce the Affordable Housing for Educational Achievement Demonstration Act of 2019 (the AHEAD Act).
You may remember from our previous work on this important legislation that the AHEAD Act would provide funding to incentivize partnerships...
On November 8, HUD published a notice for proposed revised forms of the Public Housing Authority Annual Contributions Contract (“ACC”) and Mixed Finance Amendment to the ACC (“MFACC Amendment”) for public review and comment. A summary of the proposed changes is available in CLPHA’s November 8...