Latest News

November 9, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET Our next Housing Is Working Group meeting will be CLPHA-member only update session on November 9 at 2:00 p.m. ET and will offer members the opportunity to report out on their cross-sector initiatives and learn from their peers' programs and...
11.3.21 CLPHA Advocacy
In a joint letter sent today, CLPHA and the MTW Collaborative strongly urged President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to maintain investments in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program as part of the ...
On October 17, HUD closed the deadline for public housing agencies (PHAs) that administer Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) to submit leasing data to be eligible for the expedited $100 Issuance Reporting Fee. However, many PHAs were unable to take advantage of the expedited EHV...
CLPHA Director of Cross-Sector Initiatives Abra Lyons-Warren was recently invited to serve on an expert advisory group (EAG) for the Youth Fields Workforce Study, funded by the Wallace Foundation and led by Deborah Moroney at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and partners. ...
11.3.21 Members Making News
Congratulations to April Black on her recent appointment as executive director of the Tacoma Housing Authority! April previously served as THA’s deputy director and has long been an active member of the CLPHA community. April’s appointment follows the retirement of Michael Mirra, who served...
In September 2021, the Urban Institute published an article that examined how state and local source-of-income laws can increase the effectiveness of regional emergency rental assistance programs (ERAP) and make them more equitable by expanding participation of historically...
11.2.21 Report
In a report published in September 2021, the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) examines how public housing authorities (PHAs) and affordable rental housing providers are assisting people with mental and physical health challenges, and...
11.2.21 Research, Report
Released on October 21, the joint National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and the Public Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) report 2021 Picture of Preservation estimates that more than 175,000 federally assisted homes could be lost from the nation’...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From Bloomberg: A public housing community in Jersey City received an unusual amenity earlier this month: an indoor farm that will produce 550 pounds of free leafy greens a year. It’s the first of 10 aeroponic farms that will be installed across the city in a novel pilot program called ​​Healthy...
11.2.21 Members Making News
From Building Salt Lake: Builders are putting the finishing touches onto a mixed-income apartment building that replaces a former crime-ridden motel on State Street. Capitol Homes will bring 93 new residences — two-thirds of them rent-restricted — to the Liberty Wells neighborhood. The building...

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