
Children of Assisted Renters Experience Lower Rates of Computer Access. Housing Providers Work to Bridge the Digital Divide, New Report Says


Children across the country begin a new school year like no other where most of the time spent on instruction will be online learning. For children of residents of public and affordable housing, virtual schooling presents an additional set of challenges.

Research Roundup – New Reports of Interest to CLPHA Members


Jobs Plus Implementation: This HUD report focuses on the implementation experiences of eight Jobs Plus grantees, and how those PHAs and their partners have structured case management and employment services, providing some insight on best practices for PHAs. The report also covers implementation and recommendations for the earned income disregard as well as strategies for supporting work.

New JCHS Report Finds More Accessible Units Within Assisted Housing Stock


A recent report from the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies found that housing units receiving HUD subsidies were more accessible for older people and those with mobility difficulties compared to unsubsidized units occupied by low-income renters. A significant proportion of households served through HUD-assisted housing are older adults for whom accessibility is essential for successful independent living.

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