Research Roundup: The Latest Industry Reports on the Public Charge Rule, Neighborhood Mobility, and COVID-19 Housing Instability in CA
Research Roundup: The Latest Industry Reports on COVID-19, Evictions, and Rental Assistance
Children of Assisted Renters Experience Lower Rates of Computer Access. Housing Providers Work to Bridge the Digital Divide, New Report Says
Children across the country begin a new school year like no other where most of the time spent on instruction will be online learning. For children of residents of public and affordable housing, virtual schooling presents an additional set of challenges.
Research Roundup – New Reports of Interest to CLPHA Members
Jobs Plus Implementation: This HUD report focuses on the implementation experiences of eight Jobs Plus grantees, and how those PHAs and their partners have structured case management and employment services, providing some insight on best practices for PHAs. The report also covers implementation and recommendations for the earned income disregard as well as strategies for supporting work.
New JCHS Report Finds More Accessible Units Within Assisted Housing Stock
A recent report from the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies found that housing units receiving HUD subsidies were more accessible for older people and those with mobility difficulties compared to unsubsidized units occupied by low-income renters. A significant proportion of households served through HUD-assisted housing are older adults for whom accessibility is essential for successful independent living.
Latest Issue of Cityscape Focuses on Impacts of Small Area FMRs
The most recent issue of Cityscape, the journal from HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research, is devoted to research on the impacts and implementation of Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMRs).
New Study Links Vouchers to Hospital Cost Savings and Fewer Hospitalizations for Children
According to a new study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), children 12 years or younger whose families receive vouchers experience lower rates of hospitalization and accrue inpatient spending over the course of two decades.
New Research Demonstrates Benefits of Federal Rental Assistance on Life Outcomes
New research from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) shows that federal rental assistance reduces crowding, housing instability, and homelessness, lifts individuals out of poverty, boosts children's life outcomes, and improves adult well-being & health costs.
Braiding and Blending Budgets: Innovations in Cross-Sector Policy
Policymakers at the state and federal level have been testing ways to recognize the interconnectedness of health and housing outcomes.