On March 14, the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) released their annual report The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes. The report finds concrete evidence of an affordable housing crisis: there is a shortage of seven million (or fewer than 4 for every 10) affordable and available rental homes for extremely low-income renters. Furthermore, no state or major metropolitan area has enough rental housing for the nation’s lowest-income individuals and families.
A new report from the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities (CBPP) finds that housing agencies that administer Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) funds generally use all (or nearly all) of annual HCV funds appropriated by Congress to help low-income families afford housing, even in communities where families face significant challenges finding housing with a voucher.
The Winter 2019 issue of Evidence Matters, a publication from HUD’s office of Policy Development and Research, focuses on research regarding landlord acceptance of Housing Choice Vouchers, the efforts to increase participation in the HCV program, and the implications of landlord participation for the housing choices of voucher households.
S&P Global released its 2019 Sector Outlook, which includes a brief section of interest to PHAs titled “PHAs Evolve in the Face of Federal Fiscal Changes.”
As part of Freddie Mac’s three-year Duty to Serve plan to help increase rental and homeownership opportunities in historically underserved markets and provide access to safe and affordable housing throughout the nation, the GSE’s Mutlifamily team will release eight reports this autumn that focus on the opportunities and challenges to providing affordable multifamily housing throughout the country.
A Shared Future: Fostering Communities of Inclusion in an Era of Inequality, a new book from Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies by authors Christopher Herbert, Jonathan Spader, Jennifer Molinsky and Shannon Rieger, features a chapter byKing County Housing Authority’s (KCHA)Executive Director Stephen Norman and Temporary Director of Policy & Intergovernmental Affairs Sarah Oppenheimer entitled “E