Members Making News

Opinion: Sustainable affordable housing critical to region's success (Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority)


From Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority CEO Gregory Johnson's op-ed in

Eight months ago, I wrote an Enquirer guest column about bold steps Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) is taking toward creating affordable housing for our neighbors in Hamilton County. Now that some time has passed and even more tangible progress is being made, I thought it would be important to share with you what has been happening.

Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority & Partners Working to Find Homes for Homeless Vets This Holiday Season


A new joint initiative is helping Cleveland veterans find housing in time for the holidays. Through the Home for the Holidays initiative, the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA), HUD, and the Cleveland VA are coordinating their outreach and resources to quickly find housing for veterans experiencing homelessness before the holiday season.

TCC Wins Excellence in Affordable Housing Award for Innovation (Tacoma Housing Authority)


From The Suburban Times:

The Tacoma/Pierce County Affordable Housing Consortium has named Tacoma Community College (TCC) an Excellence in Affordable Housing Award winner in the “innovation” category for 2019. The college will be recognized along with community partners the University of Washington Tacoma (UWT), Koz Development and CWD Investments, at the Excellence in Affordable Housing Event on Oct. 17 at Annie Wright School in Tacoma.

Housing agency eyes complex rehabilitation of Buena Vista Mobile Home Park (Santa Clara County Housing Authority)


From Palo Alto Weekly:

Two years after the Santa Clara County Housing Authority saved the Buena Vista Mobile Home Park in Palo Alto from closure, staff with the county agency say that a complex rehabilitation of the property at 3980 El Camino Real still lies ahead. And to make it happen, the Housing Authority on Nov. 1 is parting ways with Caritas Corporation, the nonprofit organization that has been managing the affordable-housing community of nearly 400 people, and taking charge of the park's rehabilitation itself.

City of San Diego moves ahead with plans for fourth bridge shelter (San Diego Housing Commission)


From KUSI News:

The San Diego Housing Commission has recommended the Alpha Project to run the city’s fourth bridge shelter for homeless people.

The shelters offer a safe place for adult single men and women experiencing homelessness to receive bridge housing, emergency shelter, and appropriate services needed while preparing for permanent housing placements using the Housing First model.

Microsoft’s housing pledge shows welcome innovation (King County Housing Authority)


From The Seattle Times:

A partnership between Microsoft and King County Housing Authority demonstrates the creativity and teamwork the region needs, as it works to address its shortage of affordable housing.

Other major employers should consider following Microsoft’s lead in offering new approaches to a housing challenge their growth exacerbates. Government cannot solve this problem itself, especially not by increasing taxes that reduce affordability.

Boys and Girls Club of New Haven to remain open (Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of New Haven)


From WTNH News 8:

The Boys and Girls Club of New Haven will now remain open following an announcement earlier this week that it was closing its doors.

Mayor Toni Harp announced an agreement Thursday among the city, New Haven Public Schools, the Housing Authority of New Haven, the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, and the Boys and Girls Club of New Haven to continue to provide after-school programming for children at the Boys and Girls Club of New Haven.

Lakeview Terrace children brighten 'gray’ surroundings with help of L.L. Bean (Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority)



The community center and basketball court at the Lakeview Terrace estates in Ohio City are the heart of the historic, low-income, majority-black public housing complex along the old channel of the Cuyahoga River.

But Matt Schmidt, program director in the Cleveland office of the Trust for Public Land, described the court earlier this year in an online video as “gray” and “not very exciting. It’s got big fences around it. We want to change that.’’

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