Housing Choice Voucher
HUD Expands Use of EHV Service Fees
HUD recently issued PIH Notice 2023-23 on Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) service fees, which makes changes to add two new eligible activities that may be funded with the EHV service fees. The CLPHA EHV Working Group recommended HUD provide additional uses for the special fees, and this revision expands the descriptions of several of the existing activities.
HUD Publishes CY23 Administrative Fee Rates
HUD Issues HOTMA 104 Asset Limit Guidance: Requires Evictions or Terminations after 6 Months of Non-Compliance
HUD Allocates 4,000 New Incremental Vouchers and Special Administrative Fees
Columbus MHA Board approves over $50 million in new investments to develop and preserve affordable housing for seniors and families
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority's press release:
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) Board of Commissioners today approved a combined total of over $50 million in new investments that will add or preserve 278 apartments as affordable housing for seniors and or fixed-income Columbus-area residents.
More affordable housing on way, Wilmington, NC HA boosts senior development project
From the Port City Daily:
The local public housing authority is “getting creative” in how it supports the addition of affordable housing in the community, according to executive director Tyrone Garrett.
As part of its federal allocation of housing choice vouchers, Wilmington Housing Authority can dole out project-based vouchers to eligible developers. Vouchers are intended to assist families earning 80% or less than the county’s AMI.