Current Legislative Issues
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On January 17, the U.S. House of Representatives, after suspending the rules and bringing the bill to the floor the previous day, passed H.R. 4258, the Family Self-Sufficiency Act, by an overwhelming vote of 412 to 5.
CLPHA participated in a call this morning with HUD to discuss next steps in the implementation of the Small Area Fair Market Rent Rule (“Rule”) in light of the preliminary injunction was granted in the Open Communities Alliance litigation challenging HU
On January 17, 2018, HUD issued guidance “to help PHAs better understand their options” under the Final Rule but cautioned that HUD would likely “amend and extend this guidance once it has received and evaluated the complete results of the Small Area FMR Demonstration Evaluation.” Consistent with previous direction from HUD, the guidance states that full implementation and compliance is expected...
On January 5, 2018, CLPHA, the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO), and the Public Housind Authorities Directors Assocation (PHADA) sent a joint letter to Senate leadership urging them to confirm Hunter Kurtz's nomination for HUD Assistant Secretary for Public & Indian Housing. You can read the letter here.