Current Legislative Issues
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The Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition is circulating a sign on letter for current and former federal, state, and local government officials in support of HUD’s Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP), which FEMA continues to refuse to activate.
U.S. Representatives Steve Stivers (R-OH) and Emanuel Cleaver II (D-MO), Co-Chairs of the Bi-Partisan Congressional Public Housing Caucus, recently sent a Dear Colleague letter to fellow members of the House of Representatives inviting them to join the Caucus.
The proposed elimination of the tax exemption for private activity bonds (PABs) in the House tax reform bill, along with elimination of the Historic Tax Credit and the New Markets Tax Credit, will be devastating to the production and preservation of affordable housing (see CLPHA Report 11/13/17). Housing bonds are responsible for approximately half of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (housing credit...
ACTION ALERT: Urge Congress to Enact Legislation for a Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration
Recent measures were taken in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate to create a Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration (HCV Mobility Demo) to encourage families receiving housing voucher assistance to move to lower-poverty areas and to expand access to opportunity areas.
CLPHA and other public and affordable housing stakeholders are resisting the President’s rescission package, introduced in the House of Representatives as HR 3, the “Spending Cuts to Expired and Unnecessary Programs Act.”