Current Legislative Issues
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Today, HUD issued a press release to announce its new proposed rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). The rule, which has not yet been published in the Federal Register, comes after HUD suspended the PHA tool in early 2018 that was designed to help PHAs meet their obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.
In the December 26th Federal Register, HUD issued a Paperwork Reduction Act notice seeking comment on proposed data elements for a new Project-Based Voucher (PBV) online form.
Minnesota Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar Introduce the Public Housing Fire Safety Act of 2019
In response to the tragic high-rise fire in Minneapolis last month, Minnesota Senators Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar introduced the Public Housing Fire Safety Act of 2019 this week. The bill would create a new competitive grant program to provide funds to PHAs who wish to retrofit older high-rise apartment buildings with sprinkler systems.
On Tuesday, December 10, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) introduced the Affordable Housing for Educational Achievement Demonstration (AHEAD) Act, legislation intended to encourage public housing authorities and school districts to work together to address child and family homelessness through a federal grant program.