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From WFMY News 2 Greensboro:
Made possible by a $3.7 million grant from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, this mobile unit will serve six counties in the Triad – Alamance, Caswell, Forsyth, Guilford, Randolph, and Rockingham.
From rural to urban communities, the focus is to...
From Broadband Communities Magazine:
Comcast awarded $50,000 today to The Literacy Alliance of Fort Wayne to advance economic opportunity through digital literacy and broadband adoption. The company also announced a donation of 250 laptops to the Fort Wayne Housing Authority, Fort Wayne Boys...
From the Chicago Housing Authority's press release:
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) is a proud recipient of 32,000 books from the National Book Foundation’s “Book Rich Environments” program, and has spent the summer distributing those books at its sites all over Chicago.
About 20,000 books...
From ABC 7 Chicago:
From CBS News Chicago:
Games, swimming, and summer fun!
That's what nearly one hundred 15-year-olds living in Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) residences are experiencing as part of a Counselor-in-Training Program in partnership with the Chicago Park District.
And as CBS 2's Suzanne Le Mignot...
CLPHA Members Receive over $26.9 Million in Awards
HUD announced a total of $157 million in awards to PHAs for remediating housing-related hazards such as lead-based paint, carbon monoxide, mold, radon, fire...
HUD’s Worst-Case Housing Needs Report to Congress measures the extent of unmet housing needs across the United States. The 19th biennial report found that in 2021, a record 8.53 million unassisted renter households had incomes below half the local median income and paid over half their income for...
A new post from HUD PD&R details how federal interventions to stabilize housing during the pandemic prevented a rise in homelessness. The post also notes that since much of the pandemic-related assistance is expiring, the U.S. again faces a rise in homelessness. The authors cite Emergency...
Analysis from the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies continues showing that housing costs remain so high that many of the lowest-income households are simply unable to enter the housing market despite the slowing growth of housing costs. The authors posit it is unlikely that markets alone...
We are pleased to announce that Spartanburg Housing has become a member of CLPHA!
Spartanburg Housing operates over 3,000 combined public housing units and Housing Choice Vouchers. Shaunté Evans serves as the housing authority's CEO. Learn more about Spartanburg Housing at...