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2.5.20 Members Making News
From the Daily Local News: Senate Bill 30, introduced by state Senator Tom Killion, R-9 of Middletown, that would establish a state housing tax credit to incentivize private investment to create new and preserve existing affordable rental housing, passed the Senate unanimously. “Seniors,...
CLPHA is pleased to announce that Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) will be a featured speaker at our sixth annual Housing Is Summit in Washington, D.C., on April 30. In his remarks Rep. Blumenauer will discuss his 2019 report “Locked Out: Reversing Federal Housing Failures and...
The Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) is proud to launch a new project to deepen connections between public housing authorities and their postsecondary education partners supported by the Kresge Foundation. The three-year grant enables CLPHA to build on work that began last year...
CLPHA is pleased to announce that Congresswoman Donna Shalala (D-FL) will be a featured speaker at our sixth annual Housing Is Summit in Washington, D.C., on April 30. Shalala, who served as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from 1993-2001 and as...
1.29.20 CLPHA Member Update
On February 19 at 3:00 p.m. ET, CLPHA will host a call with its Place-Based Committee to discuss HUD’s recent notice proposing a new form that collects information on PBV units. As described in our January 2 update, the notice proposes collecting a number of data elements, some of which are already...
1.29.20 CLPHA Member Update
On January 27, the Supreme Court voted to allow the Trump administration to implement its new “public charge” policy, lifting the nationwide injunction that a federal judge in New York had ordered in October 2019. While a state-wide injunction on public charge remains in place in Illinois, the...
1.29.20 CLPHA Member Update
Yesterday, HUD issued new guidance to PHAs regarding requests for assistance animals through FHEO 2020-01. The guidance replaces HUD’s previous guidance, FHEO 2013-01. The notice has three sections: 1) guidance on requests for service animals, 2) guidance on request for support animals, and 3)...
We’re pleased to announce we will be screening the film FAIL STATE at the 2020 Housing Is Summit on the evening of Thursday, April 30 at the Washington Marriott Georgetown! Attendees will also have the chance to participate in a Q&A with director Alexander Shebanow and...
1.23.20 CLPHA Newsletter
We're pleased to present a new interactive version of the CLPHA Report, CLPHA's newsletter featuring the latest news from our members and the public and affordable housing industry. Use the scroller on the right-hand side of the cover image below to view newsletter stories, or click the...
1.23.20 Members Making News
The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) was featured in a recent episode of NFL Media’s documentary series Indivisible. In the series, Nate Boyer, a former football player, visits cities with NFL teams to learn about these communities and what football means to them. In Indivisible’s...

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