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1.7.21 CLPHA Member Update
The Treasury Department will be distributing $25 billion in COVID relief emergency rental assistance funds directly to U.S. states, territories, localities (with more than 200,000 residents), and Indian tribes. Based on the previous method of disbursing Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF), it is...
1.6.21 CLPHA Member Update
During CLPHA's December 22 member call, we were pleased to hear insights from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Associate Scientist Dr. Rupali J. Limaye and Research Associate Molly Sauer on COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Limaye and Sauer answered questions from call...
1.6.21 Statement
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release January 6, 2021   (Washington, D.C.) January 6, 2021 – Sunia Zaterman, executive director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, released the following statement on the...
Wednesday, January 6 | 2:00 p.m. ET On January 6 at 2:00 p.m. ET, HUD will hold the third and final webinar on the HCV mobility demonstration. The webinar will be primarily focused on a deeper dive on the application requirements and to help PHAs better understand how to submit a proposal to HUD...
12.29.20 Announcements
Nation-leading program participants close escrow on all 94 projects, representing 6,029 units of permanent housing for individuals experiencing homelessness Homekey acquisition phase finishes on-time and under budget All 51 awardees have also received at least one Operational Support Grant from...
12.22.20 Analysis, CLPHA Member Update
Yesterday, the House and Senate passed a spending package that includes FY21 funding for HUD programs and additional COVID-19 relief. On December 27 President Trump signed the package. See CLPHA’s summary of the spending package below.    
12.22.20 CLPHA Member Update
Last night, the House and Senate approved a large package of legislation containing a final FY21 spending agreement and additional emergency economic relief. The agreement now awaits President Trump’s signature. For FY21 spending, the bill includes:  $23.8...
12.22.20 Statement
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA  (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release December 22, 2020   (Washington, D.C.) December 22, 2020 – Sunia Zaterman, executive director of the Council of Large Public Housing Authorities, released the following...
12.18.20 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA has been working with our long-time partner the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) on out-of-school time (OST) opportunities for PHA residents, with a particular eye to modifications due to COVID-19. We are pleased to share that we are co-hosting a Professional Learning Community...
12.17.20 Awards/Grants, CLPHA Member Update
We are pleased to announce a new COVID-19 grant opportunity for PHAs as well as the release of a new survey to assess PHAs’ needs in 2021.    Member Needs Survey Throughout 2020, CLPHA has been working with members to address resident and staff needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic...

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