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Recently, CLPHA announced that HUD published the long-awaited Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Final Rule in the Federal Register on May 17, 2022, that made significant changes to program funding, enrollment, escrow calculations, extension and graduation requirements.
The second part of the rule...
CLPHA previously reported that on May 10 HUD announced the FY22 Choice Neighborhoods (CN) Planning Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). In FY 21, HUD PIH shared they received less than the anticipated number of applications. HUD expects that thanks to increased appropriations from...
While public housing authorities have long known that digital access is critical to improve life outcomes for low-income individuals and families, recent increases in federal resources dedicated to broadband access are creating new awareness about its untapped potential.
Last year, the Biden...
CLPHA is pleased to welcome Malcolm Guy as its new Policy and Research Analyst! Malcolm joins CLPHA with experience in development finance, specializing in research and advocacy for locally driven financing initiatives and programs. Malcolm also has a background in government and legislative...
The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) released a new report that summarizes emergency rental assistance (ERA) spending trends, projects when state and large local grantees may exhaust their ERA1 and ERA2 funds, and estimates the amount of funding the U.S. Department of the Treasury (...
With the recent inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) questions in the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) published a report that begins to examine housing experiences by the understudied LGBTQI+...
The Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) released a new report describing tools available to PHAs to preserve and expand their housing stock. Using data on federally -assisted homes from the National Housing Preservation Database, PAHRC found that the role of PHAs in the...
Vancouver Housing Authority and its partners recently celebrated the start of construction on Fourth Plain Community Commons in Vancouver, Wash. The project will anchor the area, known as Vancouver’s International Business District, which is home to the city’s most diverse and lowest income...
Calling All Youth-Serving Professionals and Volunteers: Take the Power of Us Workforce Survey Today!
Millions of professionals and volunteers work with young people every day in the many settings where youth play, learn, and grow outside of the school day. On athletic fields, in afterschool programs, in libraries, in faith-based institutions, youth-serving professionals and volunteers are making...