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From Rockland/Westchester Journal News:
Sixty new apartments planned for Mulberry Street will feature high efficiency heating and insulation to meet the greener, "Passive House" standard. They will be served by a generator to keep the power running even through brutal storms.
Each unit will...
From Fairfax County, VA's article:
The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) and Fairfax County were recently featured in the August edition of The Novogradac Journal of Tax Credits, highlighting their collective and unprecedented work in developing public-private partnerships...
From News 12 The Bronx:
The City of Yonkers broke ground Wednesday on an affordable housing project for seniors.
Future residents of the 60-unit building could see their monthly utility bills go from several hundred dollars down to just $30.
The city Housing Authority says one benefit that's...
From the Chicago Housing Authority's press release:
The Chicago Housing Authority has partnered with Jonathan Rose Companies to preserve affordable housing at the Barbara Jean Wright Court Apartments, a 272-unit development located on Chicago’s Near West Side. Rose’s preservation acquisition will...
8 CLPHA Members Make HUD’s List of Top Ten PHAs Most Active in RAD; 46,500 Families Transformed
HUD has announced that PHAs and their partners have used the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) to generate over $15 billion in construction investments since the program’s launch in 2013....
EHV Leasing Faster Than Any Previous HUD Voucher Program
HUD announced today that the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program, created under the American Rescue Plan Act, has leased up 35,000 EHVs. This represents 50 percent of the 70,000 EHVs allocated in the American Rescue Plan Act and...
A new report focused on how the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) can be improved for the preservation of housing units has been published by NLIHC and PAHRC. The report highlights how improvements to the quality of property-level LIHTC data, as well as public access to that data, would better...
Last month, HUD published its FY23 Fair Market Rents (FMRs) used to determine payment standard amounts for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, noting that for the first time HUD will supplement public data with data from private sources to ensure the accuracy of the FY23 FMRs. CLPHA has long...
Chicago officials and local and national housing leaders, including Chicago Housing Authority CEO Tracey Scott, celebrated the groundbreaking of the National Public Housing Museum of in Chicago on Tuesday, October 11, 2022. The Museum will be located in the the last standing structure...