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4.9.21 In The News
This morning, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to discuss public and affordable housing issues and President Biden's proposed American Jobs Plan. Ms. Zaterman answered questions from host Pedro Echevarria and members of the public from...
4.8.21 Press Release
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA  (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release April 9, 2021       (Washington, D.C.) April 9, 2021...
4.7.21 Report, Analysis
In its annual report on the national and state-level shortage of affordable housing, the National Low-Income Housing Coalition found in this year’s The Gap report that the affordability gap continues, with again no state having an adequate supply of affordable homes for extremely low-...
4.7.21 Members Making News
From Next City: During the presidential campaign last summer, Joe Biden released a “Plan for Rural America” calling for an investment of $20 billion to expand broadband internet access in rural communities, where, the plan noted, residents are 10 times more likely than urbanites to live without a...
4.2.21 CLPHA Member Update
Next week, CLPHA will be participating in a PIH industry call that will feature a representative from the Department of Treasury to discuss the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). ERAP received $25 billion in the pandemic relief package enacted in late 2020 and an...
4.2.21 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Last week, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman and other leaders from public housing industry groups met virtually with HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge to share with the Secretary our priorities and goals for the new administration, and Zaterman discussed the meeting in an Affordable Housing...
4.1.21 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Tomorrow, HUD is publishing a Federal Register notice that announces the Department’s withdrawal of HUD’s 2019 proposed rule on changes to the treatment of mixed status households receiving federal housing assistance. According to the notice, HUD has identified that...
3.31.21 Statement
Media Contact: David Greer, CLPHA  (202) 550-1381   For Immediate Release March 31, 2021         (Washington,...
3.29.21 CLPHA Member Update
Today, the Biden Administration announced that it was extending the current CDC moratorium on evictions through June 30, 2021. The moratorium had been set to expire on Wednesday, March 31. Rules and requirements for the extension remain the same, though HUD is expected to issue...
3.29.21 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Last week, CLPHA shared recommendations with PIH leadership on implementation of the emergency housing vouchers included in the American Rescue Plan  Act (ARPA) that President Biden signed on March 12, 2021. To ensure that low-income Americans can make use of these vouchers in the...

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