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9.14.22 Members Making News
From the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority's press release: United Way of Central Ohio has selected the AspireCOLUMBUS proposal from the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) and national nonprofit The Community Builders (TCB) for the sale of its headquarters site at 360 S. Third St...
7.6.22 Members Making News
From HUD's PD&R Edge: In June 2020, the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) completed the first phase of a multibillion-dollar redevelopment of Jordan Downs, one of the city’s largest housing projects. This first phase, constructed in partnership with BRIDGE Housing, is a 115-...
7.6.22 Members Making News
From the Housing Authority of the City of Austin's (HACA) newsletter: Last month we marked two huge milestones in HACA's history: the grand opening of 156 brand new units at Chalmers East, and the groundbreaking on 156 additional units at Chalmers West. Thank you to the blue-shirted HACA staff in...
6.15.22 Members Making News
From New York City Mayor Eric Adams' press release: New York City Mayor Eric Adams today celebrated the state Legislature’s passage of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Public Housing Preservation Trust legislation, A7805D/S9409A. The bill passed the New York State Senate today on...
6.15.22 Members Making News
From HUD Multifamily Housing’s Office of Recapitalization’s RADBlast! Newsletter: Jordan Downs, located in the Watts neighborhood of southern Los Angeles, California, was built in the 1940s as housing for war workers during World War II. In the early 1950s, Jordan Downs became public housing...
5.31.22 Members Making News
Vancouver Housing Authority and its partners recently celebrated the start of construction on Fourth Plain Community Commons in Vancouver, Wash. The project will anchor the area, known as Vancouver’s International Business District, which is home to the city’s most diverse and lowest income...
5.31.22 Members Making News
From The Fairfax County Times: The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA), Amazon, APAH and Virginia Housing joined May 3 to announce the commitment of $55 million from the Amazon Housing Equity Fund to support the Dominion Square...
5.13.22 CLPHA Member Update
On May 10, HUD announced the FY22 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Thanks to increased appropriations from Congress, this year HUD has doubled the allocation for Planning Grants to $10,000,000. Planning Grants are two-year grants up to $500,000 each that...
4.20.22 Research, Report
Urban Institute published an updated evaluation of the Pro Neighborhoods Purple Line Collaborative that summarizes activities from November 2020 to September 2021 in the second year of a grant that provides targeted loan capital, technical assistance, and supports for projects related to...
4.6.22 Case Study, Report
Produced by researchers from Case Western Reserve University and the University of Illinois at Chicago, a new report discusses the work Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) has done since 2011 in helping stabilize Chicago’s Woodlawn’s neighborhood’s housing stock in the wake of the Great...

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