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9.2.20 Research, CLPHA Member Update
Children across the country begin a new school year like no other where most of the time spent on instruction will be online learning. For children of residents of public and affordable housing, virtual schooling presents an additional set of challenges. A new report from the Public and Affordable...
9.1.20 CLPHA Member Update
Tuesday, September 22 | 3:00 p.m. ET From the Better Buildings Challenge: The Better Buildings Challenge will be holding the Innovative Energy Efficiency Financing in Public Housing webinar on Tuesday, September 22 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. ET. Energy and water efficiency...
8.31.20 CLPHA Member Update
On August 28, HUD issued PIH Notice 2020-21, which describes the application process for PHAs eligible to apply for admission to the second cohort under MTW expansion. PHAs eligible to apply for Cohort 2, which will focus on alternative rent structures, were selected among agencies...
8.28.20 CLPHA Member Update
Wednesday, September 16 | 2:00 p.m. ET On Wednesday, September 16 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET, HUD will be hosting a third webinar on the HCV Mobility Demonstration. This webinar will provide a deeper dive on the application requirements to help PHAs better understand how to submit a proposal to...
8.27.20 CLPHA Member Update
In tomorrow’s Federal Register, HUD will publish its operations notice for the MTW expansion. This final notice addresses feedback HUD received from its October 2018 notice, for which CLPHA submitted comments. The notice describes ...
8.26.20 CLPHA Member Update
HUD recently issued two PIH Notices, one addressing rent reasonableness requirements for Project Based Vouchers (PBVs) and the other outlining supplemental funding for Mod Rehab. The first notice, PIH 2020-19, updates guidance on rent reasonableness...
8.26.20 CLPHA Member Update
Applications Due Wednesday, December 16, 2020 From HUD's Choice Neighborhoods Team: HUD posted the FY 2020 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants NOFA to on August 24, 2020.  Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants support the implementation of...
8.26.20 CLPHA Advocacy
On August 21, CLPHA joined 30 housing industry organizations in sending a letter to Congressional and Trump Administration leaders imploring Congress to "immediately return to the negotiating table and reach compromise on stimulus legislation to protect our nation’s renters, property...
8.24.20 CLPHA Advocacy
On August 18, CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman sent the following letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal's opinions page refuting the many false claims made by President Trump and Secretary Carson in their recent op-ed defending the Trump Administration's elimination of the...
8.20.20 CLPHA Member Update
On August 11, CLPHA, Mobility Works, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,  Opportunity Insights, and NAHRO co-sponsored a webinar that reviewed key details of HUD’s Mobility Demonstration Notice. The webinar featured presentations by CLPHA members,...

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