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6.10.24 Members Making News
From the Cambridge Housing Authority's website: CHA’s Resident Services department has taken a pioneering step lately towards digital inclusion with the recent launch of a specialized intergenerational computer training and internet access program for senior residents being served at select CHA...
3.19.24 CLPHA Member Update
CLPHA is pleased to share our 2024 policy priorities. The convergence of a global pandemic, a worldwide climate crisis, and growing economic inequality will have a lasting impact on the actions we take to protect lives, reduce disparities, meet energy needs, and prepare for disasters. These events...
3.27.23 CLPHA Advocacy
Protecting, expanding. and providing affordable housing has never been so important. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that housing instability and homelessness have disastrous effects on our national economic and public health. Public housing authorities (PHAs) are our nation’s most effective...

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