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11.28.22 Action Alert, CLPHA Advocacy
Congress Needs To Increase Public And Affordable Housing Funding Background: The federal government is currently funded under a continuing resolution (CR) that expires December 16 this year. If the government does not take additional...
11.22.22 Notice / Announcement, CLPHA Member Update
Applications Due January 9, 2023 Yesterday the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for its Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program (YHYI). The NOFO offers up to $5 million for the YHYI Outreach Grants. CLPHA has worked closely with the FCC to...
11.16.22 CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update, CLPHA Comments
CLPHA has submitted comments on three proposed waivers on the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act. These waivers are for BABA’s Buy America Domestic Content Procurement Preference (“Buy American Preference”, or “BAP”). The first waiver pertains to the public interest de minimis, small grants,...
11.15.22 CLPHA Member Update
Recently, HUD announced a new funding opportunity for HUD multifamily property owners to access $148 million in supplemental operating funds to support expenses associated with protecting residents and staff from COVID-19. Eligible properties include: ...
11.14.22 CLPHA Advocacy
Today, CLPHA, the MTW Collaborative, NAHRO, and PHADA sent a joint letter to leadership of both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to express our support for, and revision to, our earlier funding and authorization requests for certain HUD programs. In the letter we ask...
11.10.22 CLPHA Advocacy, To The Point Podcast
Hosted by Jeffery K. Patterson, CLPHA Board President CLPHA is pleased to launch our podcast To The Point, hosted by CLPHA Board President & Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority CEO Jeffery K. Patterson! To...
11.9.22 Analysis
A new peer-reviewed study found that building multiple publicly subsidized low-income housing developments in a neighborhood doesn’t lower the value of other homes in the area and can in fact increase their worth. The study looked at 500 developments built in the Chicago area from 1997-2016 that...
11.9.22 Analysis
According to NLIHC’s State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) database, approximately $16.1 billion of SLFRF funds have been invested in housing as of October 2022. States and localities have allocated around $6.3 billion of SLFRF funds for housing development, a figure that increased by over...
11.9.22 Analysis
A new study from the Terner Center models the new housing supply in Los Angeles. The study uses the Terner Center’s newly upgraded Housing Policy Dashboard to showcase an innovative method of informing land-use policies at the local level. The study’s modeling can be used by policymakers to...

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