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9.22.23 CLPHA Member Update
HUD announced yesterday that it had awarded $25 million set aside from FY 2023 appropriations to 157 PHAs at risk of experiencing public housing operating funding shortfalls. The list of awardees is available here.  PIH Notice 2023-18 stipulates...
9.21.23 Awards/Grants
Last Friday, HUD announced $7 million in Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants to 14 communities across the country. Each awardee will receive a $500,000 grant to create a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plan to redevelop severely distressed public housing, improve outcomes for residents...
9.21.23 Funding Opportunity, Grant
PHAs Should Contact Their States’ Lead CPRG Planning Grant Recipients to Apply  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced the availability of $4.6 billion in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG). The CPRG funds the implementation of measures to reduce greenhouse gas...
9.19.23 CLPHA Member Update
Meeting topics include various updates from CLPHA on HUD policy and programs and the latest developments in Washington, D.C., including FY24 appropriations, FMRs, evictions, NSPIRE, and EHV service fees.  
9.14.23 Members Making News, Awards/Grants
HUD announced $800,000 in funding for Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) initiative at 18 PHAs in 12 different states, including three CLPHA members: Housing Authority of Snohomish County, Durham Housing Authority, and Wilmington, DE Housing Authority. This funding opportunity will fund...
9.14.23 CLPHA Member Update, Members Making News, Awards/Grants
HUD has announced $10 million has been awarded to 56 PHAs for capital improvements that enhance safety and security for residents, including to eight CLPHA members. These awards were made from HUD’s Capital Fund Emergency Safety and Security Program.   These...
9.14.23 CLPHA Comments, CLPHA Advocacy, CLPHA Member Update
Letter Asserts Data Sharing Is Crucial to Streamlining Program Access and Administration CLPHA and the MTW Collaborative have submitted comments on how HUD can improve access to public benefit programs. The letter highlights the importance of data sharing to...
9.14.23 To The Point Podcast
Public housing authorities face the same cybersecurity threats as any large organization. H.A.I. Group CEO and cybersecurity expert Ed Malaspina joins host Jeffery K. Patterson to discuss what public housing authorities can do to protect themselves from the very real threat of cyberattacks....

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