Racial Equity

To The Point Podcast Episode 6: Seeing Red: The Impact of Redlining in Cleveland, Ohio


The practice of redlining is where public and private officials and professionals designated certain neighborhoods as high-risk largely due to racial demographics. This led to denied loans or significantly higher interest rates in those neighborhoods. It institionalized racial bias, and denied generations of Black families the ability to build and transfer wealth. The repercussions still plague those neighborhoods today with ongoing disinvestment. This episode of To The Point is a panel discussion from CLPHA's 2023 Summer Meeting about the impact of redlining in Cleveland, Ohio.

Milbank Quarterly Offers Strategic Messaging to Promote Policies that Advance Racial Equity


A new study published in the Milbank Quarterly examines messaging strategies to promote policies that advance racial equity. The authors aimed to study how various messaging strategies can influence support and mobilization for racial equity policy domains across a wide variety of social systems.

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