Family Self-Sufficiency
Save the Date for Two HUD Webinars on the New FSS Final Rule
HUD to Release FSS Final Rule Tomorrow
Abt Publishes New Research on FSS Program Outcomes

Abt Releases First Evaluation of FSS Programs at Multifamily Properties

Abt Reports Positive Impacts and Net Monetary Benefits Associated with Innovative Compass FSS Program Model

ROSS Grantee Annual Reports Due October 31
HUD Extends Deadlines for FY21 ROSS NOFO Applicants Located in Presidentially Declared Disaster Areas
For those applicants located in presidentially declared disaster areas, HUD is extending the deadline for the FY21 Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to October 1, 2021. Published in July, the FY21 ROSS NOFO deadline 
HUD PD&R Publishes FSS Program Evaluation Midpoint Results Showing Program’s Effectiveness

Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority supplies shelter and self-sufficiency
From ABC 13 Toledo:
In late June, the Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority opened up their waitlist for affordable housing that had been closed since February of 2020. They received nearly 3000 applications.