Digital Equity

To The Point Podcast, Episode 3: Ed Lowndes on the Housing Authority of Kansas City, MO's Education Partnerships


Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority CEO and CLPHA President Jeffery K. Patterson sits down with CLPHA Executive Director Sunia Zaterman to discuss how CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative has elevated collaborations between the housing and education sectors to improve education outcomes for low-income students of all ages, and Sunia explains how CLPHA member PHAs are pioneering these life-changing collaborations in their own communities.

Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh’s CyberBus Rolls Its Way to Arizona During Super Bowl Week


From the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh's press release:

The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) and The Jerome Bettis Bus Stops Here Foundation are making the cross country trek from Pittsburgh to Arizona to promote digital literacy while demonstrating their newest innovation in Digital Literacy Programming – the WOW CyberBus – during the week leading up to Super Bowl LVII.

Unlocking the Connection: How the Housing Authority of the City of Austin Has Tackled the Digital Divide


The Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) is one of the leading housing authorities in the field of digital equity, offering several services to residents to improve digital inclusion. Eight years ago, HACA identified that their residents were missing out on the many online services and opportunities due to the digital divide – that is, the gap between those who have consistent access to modern information and communications networks, technology, and devices and those who do not.

Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority Partnership will Provide Qualifying Public Housing Residents with Free Internet Access


The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA), in partnership with Community Action Akron Summit, is launching a Hotspot Lending Program available to qualifying residents in public housing. This program will provide 1,000 hotspots through a lending library managed by AMHA connecting up to 15 devices within one household. This program will provide free in home high-speed access for the whole family. Because this is a lending program, more than 1,000 low-income residents in Summit County will gain access through this program.

Housing Authority of the City of Austin Hosts Meeting with FCC Press Secretary Paloma Perez


From the City of Austin's Office of Telecommunications & Regulatory Affairs' newsletter:

The Housing Authority of the City of Austin and Head of Strategic Initiatives Catherine Crago hosted a reception for Paloma Perez on Tuesday, Nov. 22 at the Henry Flores Education and Training Center in the Meadowbrook apartment complex. Paloma is an Austin native and the press secretary for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and FCC spokesperson.

CLPHA Launches Formal Digital Equity Initiative with New Publication, Connecting Hope


From its inception, CLPHA’s Housing Is Initiative has pioneered cross-sector collaborations that serve low-income individuals and families to improve life outcomes. Early into our work, we saw how crucial bridging the divide is to connecting people experiencing poverty to healthcare, education, workforce, economic, and other life opportunities. We soon realized that advancing digital equity should not just be an ancillary goal, but rather a key pillar of our mission that is vital to our existing work in the housing, education, and health sectors. 

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