From Lucas Metropolitan Housing's press release:
In 2020, the Board of Lucas County Commissioners made CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) funding available to local organizations to cover the cost of expenditures incurred due to the unprecedented COVID-19 public health emergency.
From the South Seattle Emerald:
Seattle’s older adults living in supportive housing will be the next in line for vaccinations against the novel coronavirus offered by the City’s mobile vaccine clinics, the Office of the Mayor announced in a press release on Jan. 22. This newest mobile vaccination effort began on Jan. 21 and includes older adults who had formerly experienced homelessness and who now receive wraparound case management services, as well as older, low-income adults living in affordable housing.
From the City of Boston's press release:
From the Office of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo:
From WBUR News Boston:
The city of Boston is extending its moratorium for nonessential evictions in public housing for a second time since the pandemic started.
Officials say most evictions from Boston Housing Authority properties will be paused through the end of February. (Evictions related to criminal activity, and those that are necessary to protect the health and safety of BHA residents, employees, and others, will still be allowed to continue.)
From the St. Thomas Source:
With the expiration of a federal eviction moratorium approaching on Dec. 31 and a one-month extension expected from Congress, the Virgin Islands Housing Authority is taking to the radio on Wednesday to promote a program that will help its residents who are behind on their rent remain in their apartments.
From the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh’s press release: