CLPHA Member Update
HUD Issues Notices on PBV Rent Reasonableness, CARES Act Funding and Waivers for Mod Rehab
HUD Posts FY 2020 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants NOFA

Applications Due Wednesday, December 16, 2020
From HUD's Choice Neighborhoods Team:
Watch the Recording & View Slides from Our Webinar Reviewing HUD’s Mobility Demonstration Notice
Recording and Slides from HUD PIH Webinar on CARES Act HAP & Admin Fees Now Available
HUD Rule Eliminating AFFH Officially Published
On August 7, HUD published its new final Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule in the Federal Register, entitled “
HUD to Resume REAC Inspections
Senior Housing: Designing for Safe Interaction not Social Isolation in the Age of COVID

Virtual Roundtable featuring CLPHA Member Detroit Housing Commission
August 11 | 12:00 p.m. ET
HUD Webinar on Second Round of CARES Act Supplemental HAP and Admin Fees
CLPHA, Reno & Cavanaugh Express Vehement Opposition to HUD’s Racist, Illegal Attempt to Eliminate AFFH

Letter Calls on HUD Secretary Carson to Withdraw the Rule