CLPHA Member Update
HUD Issues Notice on HOTMA Implementation for PBVs, HCV
CLPHA and Reno & Cavanaugh Condemn Disparate Impact Standard Final Rule in Letter to HUD
Join Part 3 of HUD's Landlord Participation Webinar Series
TOPIC: the HCV Program & Technology
HUD invites you to participate in a series of webinars on the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.
CLPHA Hosting Member Call to Discuss Proposed Changes to FSS
Save the Dates for CLPHA’s Virtual Fall Membership Meeting Series!
Senate Passes Funding Bill to Keep Government Open
With mere hours left before the deadline expires at midnight tonight, the U.S. Senate passed HR 8337, the “Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act,” by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 84-10.The bill, continuing funding levels from fiscal year 2020 (FY20), prevents the federal government from running out of funds on September 30, the end of FY20. The bill, which extends government funding until December 11, 2020, now goes to the President where he is expected to sign it before midnight.
Democrats Introduce Scaled-back HEROES Act
CLPHA Concerned HUD’s Section 3 Final Rule Burdens PHAs
CLPHA, Reno & Cavanaugh Submit Comments Opposing HUD’s Transphobic Proposed Changes to the Equal Access Rule
On September 22, CLPHA and our counsel Reno & Cavanaugh submitted comments to HUD strongly opposing the agency’s transphobic proposed modifi