Public Housing
CLPHA Seeks Feedback as HUD Prepares Changes to Section 504
New HUD Guidance on Utility Rate Reduction Incentive in Public Housing
HUD Publishes Final NSPIRE Scoring Notice
HUD Publishes NSPIRE Administrative Procedures Notice
CLPHA Launches Green Funding Clearinghouse
NYCHA to Move Forward with $1.5 Billion Plan to Demolish, Replace Two Manhattan Communities
From the New York Times:
Tearing down public housing has become something of a national trend, except in New York, where the New York City Housing Authority has held onto its stock of aging buildings even as repair bills and tenant complaints mount.
But that may be changing.
Two decades later, public housing is once again coming to Boston
From the Boston Globe:
Almost a quarter-century ago, the word came down from Washington, D.C.: The federal government was done building public housing.
A new law capped the number of deeply affordable apartments Washington would subsidize in any given city at whatever existed in 1999, closing the book on a decades-long push against public housing by critics who associated it with crime and concentrated poverty.