Pursuit of Equity: Aligning Transition Planning from the State, District, and School Levels

Date & time: 
Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 4:00 am UTC
How can transition planning support career readiness for students with disabilities? Featuring presenters from the Georgia Department of Education and the Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, this webinar will provide an overview on the value of transition planning for students with disabilities. Participants will explore effective transition planning through systems alignment from state and local perspectives, including leveraging of career and technical education and strategies for engaging various stakeholders in the transition planning process. Presenters: - Wina Low, Senior Program Manager, Division for Special Education Services and Supports, Georgia Department of Education - Lauri Tuten, Director of Transition, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency - Shelley Kraft, Assistant Director of Transition, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency - Dr. John Pritchett, Research, Technology and Innovation Specialist, Georgia Department of Education, Career, Technical and Agricultural Education - Helen E. Malone, Department Head for Career Technical Instruction and Transition, Atlanta Area School for the Deaf This is the second webinar in a series that explores strategies and leverage points for ensuring equitable access to career readiness opportunities for students with disabilities.
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